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Your First Ninety Days in Hell
Zach Zimmerman writes a humorous guide to navigating the first ninety days of your new job: spending eternity in Hell.
Krysta Gahagen:
"Choose your seat. Hell recently did away with assigned seating, opting instead for “activity-based workstations,” which have proved a very effective form of psychological torture."
Kavanaugh Disappointed to Discover Supreme Court Has No Happy Hour
Andy Borowitz jokes that Brett Kavanaugh was surprised and saddened to discover that he will not be able to drink on the job as a Supreme Court Justice.
Krysta Gahagen:
“I mean, I couldn’t believe it,” Kavanaugh said. “I had been busting my tail for six hours, and I needed to blow off some steam.”
The Hidden Moral Lessons in Your Favorite Childhood Games
Amy Kurzweil and Ellis Rosen reimagine childhood games, such as Monopoly, Candy Land, and Sorry!, and the moral lessons hidden in them.
Krysta Gahagen:
Attend to your electronic devices, or be confronted with your own inadequacy."