Basic Blog Tips
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10 Ideas for Improving Your Business Website


Your small business website is the online face of your business. But what do you put on your site. Members of the small business community, this week, shared some helpful tips on building a better business website.
Ileane Smith:

The headlines that you use for blog posts and other parts of your website are incredibly important, since they can convince visitors to read or see what you have to say. This post by Ileane Smith includes some tips for writing great headlines. And the BizSugar community shared their input here.

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5 Ways to Sharpen Your Headline Writing Skills


Headline writing is an important skill to master for every online publisher today. In a previous episode of the podcast we talked about how it's just as important to spend time promoting your existing archives of content as it is to keep churning out new content. In this episode, my goal is to take that concept of promoting your existing content a step further. by giving you concrete examples of ways you can use good headline writing skills to promote your existing content. Whether you have a blog post, a YouTube video, SlideShare presentation, or even a Periscope video you'll hear how to tweak your headlines and make them so intriguing, that you'll start seeing results right away.

Ileane Smith:

Best Headline Writing Tips You Will Read All Year and 

Are You Making These Common Headline Writing Mistakes? Or How Can You Protect Yourself from Poor Headline Writing. Listen to the podcast and you'll understand :)

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Driving Traffic With Pinterest With Ileane Smith


On today's episode Jeff Sieh talks with Ileane Smith about Driving Traffic With Pinterest. Discussion includes best practices for group boards, maximizing your time on Pinterest, tools that Ileane recommends, and much more Pinterest advice.
Ileane Smith:

Jeff Sieh is such a talented podcaster and graphic designer!

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How to Use Your Blog for Today’s Job Search - The Voice of Job Seekers


Let me tell you about my friend Ileane Smith. She has worked in a publishing company for 30+ years, and other times, she is founder and publisher at Basic Blog Tips. You can also find her popular You Tube channel showing you how to use many social media tools, You Tube, and Blab platforms. She has a gift to make complex and obscure tools seem simple and possible to use by anyone. Here are a few highlights from our discussion done live on Blab with a few folks in the virtual audience. 

Ileane Smith:

This is one of my favorite interviews because the audience is mostly people who are seeking employment and some who are students.

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Deb from #SocialCafe and Ms. Ileane Interview Josh Parkinson of @PostPlanner


#SocialCafe and Ileane Smith Chatting with Joshua Parkinson, CEO of @PostPlanner
Ileane Smith:

PostPlanner is one of the best social scheduling and content curation tools around - especially when it comes to Facebook content! Josh is brilliant and someone to watch closely. 

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The Top 5 Blogging Tools Every Blogger Needs to Invest In 


As productive bloggers, the time has come for us to evaluate our ever expanding list of blogging tools, and decide which ones we plan to keep and which ones we need to purge! It's all part of a cleansing process that is an exercise we should all do at least one per year if not more. Let’s start by looking at these 5 categories of blogging tools. First of all, once you have determined your blogging goals, and you really get focused on them and have the proper mindset, it will be easy to decide which tools are best for you to invest in.
Ileane Smith:

Discover how to find the right tools based on your goals and content marketing strategies!

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How To Get Featured On 85 Blogs In 12 Months – Blogger Outreach Strategy


Today is the day of honesty (yeah, I just created that day.) So let`s be totally honest; you are REALLY fed up. Fed up by not having enough traffic to your blog... fed up by not having enough social shares... fed up by not having enough comments... fed up by not having enough email subscribers. But worst of all... are so freakin` fed up by being invisible in the overcrowded blogosphere. Sounds familiar? No worries. I have been there too. And to be completely honest (since it`s the day of honesty) it sucks BIG time! You would do almost everything
Ileane Smith:

This is the roadmap to a brilliant outreach strategy which also combines the use of personal emails.

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Inbound Unboxed 016: Blogging Tools and Tactics for Inbound Marketers with Ileane Smith | Earnworthy


On this episode, we’re joined by well-known blogger and podcaster Ileane Smith to discuss her favorite blogging tools and tactics.

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WordCamp US Recap #wcus - Ileane Smith


WordCamp US took place on December 4 – 6, 2015 right here in my hometown Philadelphia, PA.  It was the biggest WordCamp ever with over 1,800 attendees and this also marked the 10th anniversary of WordCamp.

Matt Mullenweg is the co-founder of WordPress and each year he gives his “State of the Word” address to the community. Here are some of the incredible things he announced and what they mean for brave bloggers like you and me.

Ileane Smith:

Attending events like WordCamp are critical for the success of your blogging efforts! The spirit of WordPress and the open source movement are two powerful forces for the web to reckon with.

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How to Use Blab Live Streaming to Grow Your Blog - @ProBlogger


  In today’s episode of the ProBlogger podcast, I am talking about a new tool for bloggers and content creators that I’ve really taken to: Blab. It’s kind of like the lovechild of Google Hangouts and Periscope, and I’ve been experimenting with it a lot lately. When I first heard of Blab I was sceptical, but [...]
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Make The Most Of How You Link


Linking is the way to bring up your old content, make your content more trustworthy and, yes, build connections with niche influencers.
Ileane Smith:

"If you aren’t putting at least a few links to related posts within your text, you are missing an opportunity for increased traffic to old content. This is also a way of getting the most out of the older content itself, which can pass from the public eye very quickly."

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15 of the Most Influential Bloggers and What You Can Learn from Them


Learn about the most influential bloggers in the blogosphere and what they're doing to gain incredible success. Follow the leaders, and be successful too.
Ileane Smith:

Nice >> Ileane Smith is not your average Social Media Diva. As an active blogger, YouTuber and podcaster, she provides free expert guidance allowing her followers to improve their relationships with their audiences and maximize their earnings the easy way. Her website lets you uncover the secrets of the digital media, craft better content, find your own voice and keep your audiences engaged and entertained. What more could you possibly ask for?

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50 Twitter Accounts All Writers Should Follow | The Expert Editor


Ileane Smith

The catchphrase of Ileane Smith’s Twitter page is “Find Your Voice, Capture Your Audience.” And, that is what this blogger and self-proclaimed social media diva specializes in. She offers plenty of tips and tricks, but also she announces her podcasts too.
Ileane Smith:

Here's another awesome mention of me that I found thanks to Buzzsumo alerts! I never get tired of people finding value in what I do.

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Bulletproof Your Social Media Strategy By Following This Framework


If you want to do social media right, you need to be strategic. Many of us don't start out that way. We sign up for a site to try it out and fumble around
Ileane Smith:

Buffer is a great tool for setting up a social media posting schedule. Here's a good guide from Ileane Smith of Basic Blog Tips. Buffer works with pre-set time slots, allowing you to automate part of your social media posting. This is a good idea, especially if you have limited time, but social media has to be social and interactive, so avoid the temptation to automate everything.

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20 Tools that Will Take Your Blog to the Next Level


Suffering from bloggers fatigue? Looking for ways to boost your blog readership? Or just want to spice it up a bit? Here are 20 free blogging tools that will help you be more productive, more creative, and bring in more readers...Become an Infographic Wizard
Infographics are a great way to depict all kinds of data – from survey results to how your product works. Free tools include and Piktochart. For tips on creating these, check out this blog from Janice Wald: How to Create Infographics that Send Hoards of New Visitors to your Blog.

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Buzzsumo: Research Potential Guest Authors and Set-up Content Alerts


Buzzsumo: Research Potential Guest Authors and Set-up Content Alerts

Learn how Buzzsumo will help you vet potential guest authors so that you can maintain high-quality standards and authority on your blog!

Ileane Smith:

As the owner of a successful blog, Basic Blog Tips, I get approached several times per week by potential guest bloggers but some of them never make the cut! One of the tools I use in the process of vetting potential guests is called Buzzsumo. In this class you will learn how to use Buzzsumo to examine the work of potential guest authors and find out if they have the level of expertise you would like to represent your domain.

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25 Influencers Share Their Top Tips to Succeed on Triberr


Influencer marketing is the next gen strategy for smart marketers. Here 25 triberr influencers are sharing their best tips to be successful on it.
Ileane Smith:

My contribution to this article:

The first tips I want to share is set up your RSS feeds correctly to make sure the right blog is connected to the right tribe.

Check your Account settings and go to the My Blogs tab – and remember that every time your join a new tribe, you must check your settings.

The other tips I have is that it is very important to add images. I have a video on my youtube channel that sums up how to use images to make your content stand out on Triberr:

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How To Find The Right Content Promotion Opportunities | Search Engine People


If you're not promoting your content, it might as well be invisible. There are more than 2 billion netizens, creating zettabytes of data...

you want to get your content in front of as many people as possible. That means setting a schedule for promoting it.

For my own work, I use a tool called CoSchedule (reviewed on Basic Blog Tips). This lets me schedule social media updates on different platforms at different times relative to the date of content publication. While it automates the posting, you still have to create the updates yourself, with help built into the tool. CoSchedule's CEO, Garrett Moon, uses it to promote his blog posts over a two month period.

Ileane Smith:

Shout out to tools like!

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How to Create A Blogging Workflow That Makes Sense


How to create a blogging workflow that makes sense....

4)Network with other bloggers

Blogger Networking 101 (the condensed version).

a) Leave useful + insightful comments on their blog posts. Be genuine and add value instead of being self-promotional.

b) Share their blog posts (I find Twitter very useful for this)

c) E-mail them thanking them for the blog post and what you learned from the blog post

d) If you want to take it even further, put one thing they have written about into practice and report on your results in an e-mail to them.

For a long time, I ignored networking with other bloggers mainly because I had an inferiority complex and I was not sure how to go about it.

If you are in that place, let me suggest Triberr to you.

Ryan Biddulph and Basic Blog Tips both have amazing blog posts on Triberr and how to use it.

Ileane Smith:

I'm really pleased to see bloggers who quickly grasp the importance of networking and Triberr is one of the most efficient sites to help make that happen. 

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Blogger Outreach Strategy: How to Get Incoming Links from Top Blogs


How to build quality links from authority sites in the Post-Penguin era? Blogger outreach strategy is the best way to build links and grow your traffic...

Yes, creating viral content helps you build great links but you should also reach out other bloggers if you want to get more exposure on your blog posts.

It’s a lot easier for you to get incoming links from other blogs if you mention them in your blog posts. Remember, blogger outreach strategy is all about win/win approach. So you can’t ask anyone to link to your sites without linking to their posts first.

By using the strategies mentioned in this post, shoot an email to a blogger who you linked from your post and tell him you have just linked to one of his posts. That’s it! It’s a perfect way to cultivate the blogger outreach strategy.

Ileane Smith:

Connections will always rock the internet!

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How to Wow Influencers & Get Them to Promote You


This is how you get influencers to promote you....

Once someone likes you and pays attention to you, it’s a smart strategy to do what ya can to stay in their good books.

It can become a double win – you help them, and they help you too.

Kinda like how Ileane from tweeted out one of my freebies to over 10,000 followers the other day.

I wrote a couple guest posts for her – this one and this one – and continued to follow her, comment every once in a while on her posts, and share her stuff.

Of course I didn’t do it just so she would help me out.

But in my experience karma exists in the online world (just like in the offline world).

When you help others out, at some point, in some way, that generosity is gonna come back for you.

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3 Things I Need To Blog Every Day -


Making things easier is the name of the game if you're trying to blog every day. Here are 3 things that help me get stuff done effortlessly...Now I just need to brush up on my SEO skills.

Ileane Smith:

Great to see my buddy Gabe blogging again (and giving my blog some link luv).

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Top 50 Rich Media Social Influencers to Follow on Twitter | Cision


More adults use Pinterest than Twitter. It and other rich media social networks are shaping social's future. Follow Twitter's top rich media influencers.
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A/B Test Your Email Marketing


A/B testing just takes applying an extra bit of text to your email body copy, using an extra subject line field or setting up a second email and marking it as variant "B". Once you do that, your email marketing service takes care of the rest...

Credits: Screenshots from respective app help documentation pages. AWeber results screenshot via Basic Blog Tips. Unhaggle email screenshots courtesy Vero.

Ileane Smith:

I've heard about Zapier before but now that they have shared my AWeber screenshots (with proper credit of course) I surely check the site out further.

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2015 P50 Bloggers Strategy and Directions - Dragon Blogger Technology


From Justin Germino:

"I decided to poll some of my most long term blog friends and contacts on how their strategies apply and if they had any new strategies for 2015 compared to previous years.  These are bloggers that I personally have known since either 2008 or 2009 when I started Dragon Blogger and a great group of bloggers who are all carving out their own place in the Internet for their own passions and ventures.  Here are their strategies or blogging tips for 2015 and I share mine at the end of the article.I decided to poll some of my most long term blog friends and contacts on how their strategies apply and if they had any new strategies for 2015 compared to previous years.  These are bloggers that I personally have known since either 2008 or 2009 when I started Dragon Blogger and a great group of bloggers who are all carving out their own place in the Internet for their own passions and ventures.  Here are their strategies or blogging tips for 2015 and I share mine at the end of the article."

Ileane Smith:

Ileane from Ms. Ileane Speaks says “My plans for 2015 are to continue with creating content on my blog, my podcast and my YouTube channel. What’s new for me in 2015 is the online courses I’m creating on sites like Udemy and Skillfeed. My goal is to challenge myself to produce content that’s more organized and that gets people to take action. I’ve been encouraging people for years to start podcasting and making YouTube videos but many times I find that folks are stuck in the mindset of consuming text content all the time. By making my content available on online learning platforms it will reach more people who are committed to getting on the mic or getting in front of the camera to connect with their audience.”

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