ALM | Ingénierie Logicielle
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ALM | Ingénierie Logicielle
Application Lifecycle Management, Software Engineering/Ingénierie Logicielle, Requirements, Development, Quality, Project, Delivery, DevOps.
Curated by Pierre Tran
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Scooped by Pierre Tran
July 24, 2013 12:56 PM!

Innovation in ALM (yes, really)

Innovation in ALM (yes, really) | ALM | Ingénierie Logicielle |

It’s not easy to bring innovation in a field like the Application Lifecycle Management, where you have to deal with several user roles, each with its own needs.

We just left //Build behind us, and Microsoft with the Visual Studio ALM 2013 release- currently in preview - tries to push on the innovation with several improvements to Visual Studio and Team Foundation Server.

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Scooped by Pierre Tran
January 19, 2013 8:23 PM!

ALM Challenges- New VS 2012 ALM Webcasts

ALM Challenges- New VS 2012 ALM Webcasts | ALM | Ingénierie Logicielle |

Application development is changing pretty dramatically. No, not necessarily coding practices, I’m talking about the explosion of devices that need to be targeted, and of course, the crunch to deliver faster, with higher quality, and the ever present lower cost.

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