AIVC 2024 Conference evaluation results
From www.aivc.org
9 December 2024, 09:38
We are pleased to share the main findings from the evaluation questionnaire of the 44th AIVC conference “Retrofitting the Building Stock: Challenges and Opportunities for Indoor Environmental Quality.” The survey was sent to 170 attendees, with 89 participants completing the evaluation. Key Outcomes...
News from the EU and international partners
Retrofit: Operational energy in the spotlight
From ukgbc.org
9 December 2024, 12:54
Lee Cleeton, Director of Verte, discusses the importance of retrofit projects in reducing operational energy and carbon in assets. The retrofit movement has gained momentum, but projects continue to face barriers. Cost is the one of the biggest barriers to reducing operational energy and carbon in retrofit projects. Money is expensive right now. But the industry recognises the importance of retrofit...
EU Buildings Climate Tracker 3rd edition
From www.bpie.eu
9 December 2024, 13:03
EU BUILDINGS ARE SIGNIFICANTLY OFF TRACK TO CLIMATE NEUTRALITY Heating and cooling of buildings is one of the largest sources of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe. As the EU and its Member States have established clear goals for reducing these emissions, progress requires close scrutiny...
UN-Habitat World Cities Report 2024
From unhabitat.org
9 December 2024, 13:08
The 2024 UN-Habitat report, ‘Cities and Climate Action’, examines how cities can adapt to and combat climate change while sustainably supporting their populations, particularly the most vulnerable. In this context, the role of buildings is crucial: cities are both major victims and contributors to climate change, exposed to its impacts while generating substantial emissions...
Personalized Environmental Control System (PECS) in Action: Insights from Case Studies (more info)
Field experiences with PECS in The Netherlands
Marije te Kulve (bba binnenmilieu, NL)
Performance of Personalized Ventilation installed in Open-Plan Offices
Arsen Krikor Melikov (DTU, DK)
The PECS journey in Singapore – From Field Environmental Chamber studies to Field studies
Chandra Sekhar (NUS, SG)
Utilization and Evaluation of PECS in a Research Facility Office in Japan
Shin-Ichi Tanabe (Waseda University, JP)