4-5 October 2023, Conference, Copenhagen– 43rd conference
From - 31 March 2023, 11:22

The 43rd AIVC conference "Ventilation, IEQ and health in sustainable buildings" will be held on 4 & 5 October 2023 in Copenhagen, Denmark together with the 11th TightVent conference and the 9th venticool conference. The conference will take place at Aalborg University Copenhagen.  The conference will consist of a mixture of presentations from the call for papers and presentations upon invitation, organized in well prepared and structured sessions focused...


18-19 May 2023, Workshop, Tokyo, “Towards high quality, low-carbon ventilation in airtight buildings”
From - 31 March 2023, 11:23

NILIM and BRI of Japan, together with the Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre (AIVC) organise a workshop entitled “Towards high quality, low-carbon ventilation in airtight buildings" to be held on 18-19 May 2023 in Tokyo, Japan.

9 May 2023, Webinar – Building and ductwork airtightness trends and regulations in the Czech Republic, Latvia and Spain
From - 3 May 2023, 15:12

Significant discrepancies have been observed among European countries, regarding the building and ductwork airtightness trends, attributed to differences between national policies, building practices and climate conditions. In Spain and Latvia, minimum requirements for building airtightness are included in national regulations and Energy Performance calculations, but without a mandatory justification by testing and therefore...

New AIVC publication! Building and ductwork airtightness in Greece
From - 3 May 2023, 15:19

The AIVC is happy to announce the release of a new publications!Ventilation Information Paper #45.7: Trends in building and ductwork airtightness in GreeceThis paper is part of the new VIP series being developed and dealing with trends in building and ductwork airtightness in various countries.Previously released papers include:Ventilation Information Paper #45.1: Trends in building and ductwork airtightness...

Selected papers from the 2022 Conference published at the REHVA Journal 01/2023 & 02/2023 Issues!
From - 3 May 2023, 15:19

The February & April 2023 editions of the REHVA Journal have been released, including a selection of articles presented at the 42nd AIVC conference - 10th TightVent - 8th venticool conference: "Ventilation Challenges in a Changing World" held in Rotterdam, the Netherlands on October 5-6, 2022.Specific articles include: Estimation of Cross-Ventilation Through...

Healthy Buildings Europe 2023 | 11-14 June Aachen, Germany
From - 3 May 2023, 15:26

Healthy Buildings Europe 2023 will take place June 11-14, 2023 in Aachen, Germany and is organized by University Hospital RWTH Aachen und RWTH Aachen University under the auspices of ISIAQ (International Society for Indoor Air Quality). The conference theme is “Beyond disciplinary boundaries – Transdisciplinary perspectives on multisensory stimulation for innovative and creative solutions in a Post-Covid era.” and is reflected in both the conference topics as well as the committee.The last decade offered a multitude of knowledge gained and solutions developed within individual...



Feedback from the venticool 2023 partners’ meeting!
From - 10 April 2023, 09:59

On Monday March 20, 2023, venticool organized an online meeting to discuss the major outcomes and future challenges of venticool. The aim of the meeting was to inform the audience of the objectives and activities of venticool and the possibilities for collaboration. 35 people from industry attended the meeting. The agenda of the meeting included: Welcome - Short history & collaborations - Challenges and opportunities...

EU-level technical guidance on adapting buildings to climate change - Best practice guidance
From - 3 May 2023, 15:35

In March 2023, the EU Commission published the report “EU-level technical guidance on adapting buildings to climate change”. The report includes 2 parts: a broader technical guidance; and a best practice guidance for concrete applications...

The warmest April on record? Heat waves arriving early in India, Spain & Portugal
From - 3 May 2023, 15:35

Large parts of India have reported temperatures higher than average with heatwaves beginning on March 3. On April 18, 2023 above-normal maximum temperatures were recorded according to All India Weather Summary and Forecast bulletin by India Meteorological Department. In Southern...



Feedback from the AIVC Webinar: "Building & ductwork airtightness trends and regulations in France, Belgium and Greece"
From - 5 May 2023, 11:13

The recordings and the slides of the AIVC & TightVent Webinar: “Building and ductwork airtightness trends and regulations in France, Belgium and Greece” are now available online. The full collection of past events’ recordings and slides can be found here. Check… 

AIVC's Ventilation Information Papers! Building and ductwork airtightness in Belgium, Latvia & France
From - 31 March 2023, 11:27

We are happy to announce the release of three new AIVC publications!

  • Ventilation Information Paper #45.4: Trends in building and ductwork airtightness in Belgium
  • Ventilation Information Paper #45.5: Trends in building and ductwork airtightness in Latvia
  • Ventilation Information Paper #45.6: Trends in building and ductwork airtightness in...
13th International Buildair Symposium, 2-3 June 2023, Hanover, Germany
From - 31 March 2023, 11:28

 The 13th International Buildair Symposium will take place on June 2nd and 3rd, 2023 in Hanover. As always, this bilingual industry forum – all presentations and discussions will be interpreted simultaneously – will offer an attractive and highly informative conference program. A trade show will run parallel to the conference. Experts from eight countries will talk about their current projects, present new methods and research results, and...



IEQ-GA – Presidential Column (April 2023)
From - 3 May 2023, 15:46

I am hopeful that the Spring in your location has begun with new opportunities and a bright future, especially with your weather. Here in Ottawa, the winter has been harsh with lots of snow and cold temperatures. Unfortunately, today has brought an ice storm that is threatening to take down our power lines. Perhaps it will soon be over, and we will begin to enjoy spring-like weather...

Indoor Environments Show Episode 18: Exposure Assessment with guest John Mulhausen 
From - 3 May 2023, 15:47

 This is a new monthly 60-minute program from ISIAQ/IEQ-GA that is being produced by Healthy Indoors®/IAQNET LLC.
The show is co-hosted by Healthy Indoors’ Founder & Publisher, Bob Krell, and current IEQ-GA President, Donald Weekes. They have real-world experience in a variety of subjects pertaining to the indoor environment, and they are adept at stewarding the conversation to make it both informative...

Developing Economies Conference 2023
From - 31 March 2023, 11:33

The reach is enhanced to include entire Global South economies as they face similar challenges in expanding infrastructure in cost effective manner,” said Ashish Rakheja, conference chair. “Post-COVID, the importance of healthcare and the current pressing environment needs of carbon footprint reduction are the focus area for 2023 conference. The last two editions have demonstrated the benefit of this Conference wherein it offers a two-way learning street for both Developed and 


EU news

Shedding light on energy - 2023 edition - Interactive publication - Eurostat
From - 3 May 2023, 16:07

Lighting, heating, moving, producing: energy is vital for our day-to-day life. Without energy, people and businesses cannot function. Turning on our computers or starting our cars are actions that we take for granted, yet they represent the final stage of a complex process.This publication helps to make the complex process of energy more...

Policy recommendations for sustainable plus energy neighbourhoods and buildings 
From - 3 May 2023, 16:26

Sustainable plus energy neighbourhoods (SPENs) can contribute to decarbonising the building stock, while providing additional benefits for residents both at the building and neighbourhood level, enhancing wellbeing and a sense of community. SPENs can provide a range of shared spaces, services and facilities, such as shared heat pumps, PV panels, EV charging, EVs...

The crucial role of Education in achieving sustainability and low carbon economy
From - 3 May 2023, 16:08

The  ECF4CLIM project co-designs, tests and validates a European competence framework for the educational community to drive the transition to a sustainable and low-carbon economy. This framework strengthens individual, collective, and environmental competences in the areas of climate change and sustainable development. The project strongly relies on an innovative participatory approach engaging educational centres, used as demonstrative sites,...

Fostering knowledge transfer and sharing of data about the European building stock: BuiltHub project
From - 3 May 2023, 16:08

Transforming the European building stock is necessary to mitigate the impacts of climate change, to increase energy security, reduce energy poverty, provide economic benefits, and improve liveability. Knowledge about the characteristics of the building stock and the change over time is important to shape policies. The H2020 project BuiltHub has developed a roadmap to continuously enhance the data...

Refurbishment for net Zero
From - 3 May 2023, 16:11

This BSRIA White paper “Refurbishment for Net Zero” summarises the guidance that industry professionals delivered during the summer 2022 BSRIA Conference. It discusses everyday practice in tackling energy efficiency and the ‘fabric first’ approach as well as the ventilation of buildings, air quality, and the wellbeing of building occupants. Attention is also given to the...

Dorin Beu: “In energy efficiency of the building sector there are no miracle solutions, but you can reach energy goals with a good design and implementation”
From - 3 May 2023, 16:08

Dorin served as the Director of the Romanian Green Building Council (RoGBC) Transylvania Chapter since its founding in 2009 and is charged with implementing the European Energy Award for Romanian cities, Romanian manager for the H2020 projects COME Easy and EXCITE ( He oversees a new Master’s in English, Building Services...

Introducing the Heat Pump Readiness Indicator: How to make Energy Performance Certificates fit for heat pumps
From - 3 May 2023, 16:28

Heat pumps may have a crucial role in the decarbonisation of the building stock in the EU, the uptake of renewable heating and the reduction of our dependency on fossil fuel imports for heating. Heat pumps can support EU decarbonisation efforts to phase out fossil fuels and promote low-temperature district heating systems...

Green roofs and walls: enhancing energy efficiency and biodiversity in commercial buildings 
From - 3 May 2023, 16:30

Urbanization and advanced technologies have made cities grow denser, with massive greenhouse gas emissions per year,  a significant contributor to the harsh effects of climate change. Companies have started addressing this issue through different approaches, including creating green roofs and walls to enhance energy efficiency and biodiversity in commercial buildings. What are green roofs...

Level(s) and the New European Bauhaus: support EU efforts to build a sustainable future
From - 3 May 2023, 16:31

A new European Commission publication shows how buildings professionals can contribute to the New European Bauhaus movement for sustainable living, inclusiveness and aesthetics with help from Level(s) ─ the EU framework for sustainable buildings. 

The factsheet explains how, by adopting the Level(s) tool for assessing and monitoring the sustainability performance of buildings, you can support...



...including a list of our recent webinar recordings 


Building and ductwork airtightness trends and regulations in France, Belgium and Greece (more info)


Building and ductwork airtightness in France: National trends and requirements

Bassam Moujalled & Adeline Mélois (Cerema / LOCIE, France)


Building and ductwork airtightness in Belgium: National trends and requirements

Liesje Van Gelder (BCCA, Belgium)


Building and ductwork airtightness in Greece: National trends and requirements

Theodoros Sotirios Tountas (F.U.V., Greece)​


Indoor Environments Show (more info)


Indoor Environments Show Episode 18: Exposure Assessment

John Mulhausen, Past President, AIHA, USA 


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