9-10 October 2024 – 44th AIVC - 12th TightVent - 10th venticool conference
From - 27 October 2023, 12:00

The 44th AIVC conference "Retrofitting the building stock for good Indoor Air Quality" will be held on 9 & 10 October 2024 in Dublin, Ireland together with the 12th TightVent conference and the 10th venticool conference. The conference will take place at Croke Park.The conference is an initiative from...

12 December 2023 (15:00-16:30 CET), Webinar – Smart ventilation in non-residential buildings. How to assess? How to design?
From - 31 October 2023, 11:00

A smart ventilation system is able to continually adjust itself to provide the desired IAQ while minimizing energy use, utility bills, thermal discomfort and noise. A smart ventilation system is also responsive to e.g., occupancy, outdoor conditions, and can provide information about e.g., IAQ, energy use and the need for maintenance or repair...

2023 Conference - Summaries of the Airtightness, Smart Ventilation, IAQ & Health and resilient ventilative cooling tracks
From - 5 December 2023, 13:00

On 4-5 October 2023, the AIVC – TightVent – venticool 2023 joint Conference “Ventilation, IEQ, and Health in Sustainable Buildings”, was organised by...

SAVE THE DATE! 18-19 April 2024, AIVC-ASC Workshop, Singapore
From - 7 November 2023, 17:54

The ASHRAE Singapore Chapter (ASC)  in collaboration with the Air Infiltration and Ventilation Centre (AIVC) is organising a 1 ½ -day workshop to be held on April 18-19, 2024 in Singapore. The workshop will be led by experts from the AIVC and the ASHRAE Singapore Chapter. It is intended for engineers, architects, and other professionals who want to learn more about ventilation, IEQ and sustainability...



TightVent newsletter - Edition of November 2023
From - 5 December 2023, 16:42

The 25th issue of the TightVent newsletter is now available! Specific contents include: Foreword; Feedback from the 11th TightVent-43rd AIVC & 9th venticool Conference: Summary of the airtightness track;  9-10 October 2024-12th TightVent-44th AIVC-10th venticool conference...

Feedback from the 2023 TightVent - AIVC & venticool joint Conference: Summary of the airtightness track
From - 5 December 2023, 17:00

On 4-5 October 2023, the AIVC – TightVent – venticool 2023 joint Conference “Ventilation, IEQ, and Health in Sustainable Buildings”, was organised by the International Network on...

Buildings Special Issue on "Research on the Airtightness of Buildings" open for submission
From - 12 October 2023, 12:00

A special issue of Buildings (ISSN 2075-5309) is now open for submission. This Special Issue is motivated by the importance of the airtightness of buildings in terms of indoor air quality and the energy implications of heat transfer. Currently, it is not possible to design and construct nZEB buildings without taking this...



Feedback from the 2023 venticool - AIVC & TightVent joint Conference: Summary of the resilient ventilative cooling track
From - 5 December 2023, 17:06

On 4-5 October 2023, the AIVC – TightVent – venticool 2023 joint Conference “Ventilation, IEQ, and Health in Sustainable Buildings”, was organised by the International Network on Ventilation and Energy Performance (INIVE) on behalf of the...

Feedback from the 8th meeting of the Advisory Board of Practitioners for Annex 80 & venticool & AIVC
From - 5 December 2023, 17:06

On November 15th, 2023, IEA EBC Annex 80 scientists, designers as well as representatives from the building cooling and ventilation associated industry gathered for the 8th meeting of the Advisory Board of Practitioners (ABoP). This board, an initiative of Annex 80, AIVC and venticool, was founded to put results of scientific research into action by establishing strong ties to practitioners...

Annex 87 news: Progress so far & upcoming meetings
From - 6 December 2023, 10:08

Annex 87 held its second working phase meeting in a hybrid format in Lausanne, Switzerland on September 11th and 12th, 2023. There were 16 in-person attendees and around 28 online attendees. The annex team had very fruitful discussions on the annex in general and on subtasks. The progress in subtasks and the next steps were discussed. Most of the subtasks made substantial progress by breaking down the work into smaller parts and having started the work...



IEQ-GA Presidential Column (December 2023)
From - 6 December 2023, 10:24

First of all, I want to offer my personal greetings to all that are celebrating holidays between now and the early part of 2024. I wish you the best for the holidays with your family, your friends and your colleagues in indoor air quality and related fields of expertise, including our colleagues from professional organizations for lighting...

15th REHVA HVAC World Congress, 4-6 June 2025, Milan
From - 5 October 2023, 18:00

The REHVA HVAC World Congress CLIMA is the leading international scientific congress in the field of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC). After the great success of the 2022 edition, organized by the Dutch association TVVL, the baton now...

2024 ASHRAE Winter Conference and AHR Expo | January 20-24, 2024, Chicago
From - 5 December 2023, 17:18

Registration is now open for the 2024 ASHRAE Winter Conference, to be held from January 20-24, 2024, in Chicago. The conference will provide attendees with the opportunity to learn about the latest technology in the built environment, as well as network  …

REHVA Journal & World Ventil8 Day
From - 5 December 2023, 17:23

In honour of the World Ventil8 Day, REHVA shared its latest published Journal which focused on Ventilation. World Ventilation Day has been initiated by a group of researchers and professional bodies who are passionate about the importance of ventilation. REHVA is proud to be part of this movement. It’s important … 

53rd AiCARR International Conference, 12-13 March 2024, Milan
From - 5 October 2023, 18:00

The 53rd AiCARR International Conference “From NZEB to ZEB: the buildings of the next decades for a healthy and sustainable future”...

ASHRAE to present Integrative Building Decarbonization Solutions at COP28
From - 5 December 2023, 17:20

ASHRAE, a global leader in sustainable technology resources for the built environment, will present innovative building decarbonization solutions at the upcoming 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 28). The conference, hosted by the COP 28 ...



Announcement Summer School 2024 in Almeria, Spain, 11 - 18 September 2024
From - 6 July 2023, 11:52

Whole building energy performance assessment. From in-situ measurements to smart metering data. After nine Summer/Spring Schools and two training Webinars, DYNASTEE is proud to announce that for the 10th time it will organise a physical...


EU news

Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) guidelines database by ISIAQ
From - 9 November 2023, 14:33

ISIAQ STC 34 has developed a database to share worldwide IEQ guidelines. The database is accessible through the new website,  On the database page, you will have access to the entire database in a tabular format where you can search, sort, and filter...

Gas cookers regularly breach air pollution limits
From - 5 December 2023, 17:29

A new report from CLASP and EPHA suggests that cooking on gas in a typical kitchen without mechanical ventilation causes indoor NO2 pollution that exceeds World Health Organisation air quality guidelines and outdoor EU air pollution standards multiple times each week...

Buildings as energy generators: EU initiatives and perspectives on Plus Energy Buildings | BUILD UP
From - 5 December 2023, 17:37

In order to accelerate the clean energy transition, the European Union set enhanced climate and energy targets, giving a particular emphasis...

EU progress towards the just energy transition
From - 6 December 2023, 10:55

In this interview, Paula Pinho, Director for Just Transition, Consumers, Energy Security, Efficiency and Innovation at the European Commission Directorate-General for Energy discusses the EU's policy objectives to achieve a clean energy transition that leaves no one behind...

Renewable energy directive entered into force on 20 November 2023!
From - 6 December 2023, 10:58

The renewable energy directive is the legal framework for the development of renewable energy across all sectors of the EU economy, and supports cooperation across EU countries. Given the need to speed up the EU’s clean energy transition, the Renewable...

EU Buildings Climate Tracker
From - 6 December 2023, 11:03

The EU Buildings Climate Tracker (EU BCT) monitors the progress of the building stock in the European Union towards the goal of achieving climate neutrality by 2050, in the form of an index. This second edition analyses the progress of the EU building stock towards climate neutrality from 2015 until 2020. The tracker finds that...

Linking smart technologies to energy efficiency in existing buildings
From - 6 December 2023, 11:10

In this interview, Jonathan Dixon talks about his housing journey, from a South London terrace to a Californian bungalow. This move led him to appreciate the challenges of keeping homes warm or cool. After experiencing Passivhaus principles in...

Commission publishes recommendations to tackle energy poverty across the EU
From - 6 December 2023, 11:15

Recognising the need for even more coordinated action to counter the trend, the Commission has today published a series of recommendations on measures and policies that can be adopted by EU countries to tackle energy poverty...

Global Cooling Watch 2023
From - 6 December 2023, 11:22

The Global Cooling Watch report demonstrates the potential and the pathways to achieve near-zero emissions from cooling. Using a model created specifically for this report, it presents pathways to get to near-zero emissions in the key cooling sectors and provides a call to action for countries to pursue the policies and strategies that have the greatest impact in reducing...

REHVA newest recording of Policy Webinar: EPBD & IEQ
From - 7 December 2023, 10:08

REHVA is happy to share its newest recording of the Policy Webinar, hosted on Thursday October 26th. During the Build Up Portal’s month of IEQ, the speakers delved deeply into the multi-faceted world of building performance with an emphasis on Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ)...

The potential of AI to improve energy efficiency
From - 7 December 2023, 10:07

The application of artificial intelligence (AI) to heating and ventilation technology offers a solution to the energy inefficiencies in buildings, which account for 40% of total energy consumption and 36% of carbon...

Thermal resilience in a renovated nearly zero-energy dwelling during intense heat waves
From - 7 December 2023, 10:16

Overheating risk is expected to rise in dwellings as heat waves continue increasing in intensity and duration. This paper presents a simulation-based study on thermal resilience in a benchmark renovated nearly zero-energy dwelling during intense heat waves in Belgium...



...including a list of our recent webinar recordings 


 AIVC 2023 Conference - Recorded Presentations (more info)


Users and practices in heating and ventilating homes – why do they behave different than we think?

 Kirsten Gram-Hanssen (Aalborg University, DK)


What we know about smart ventilation

Gaëlle Guyot (Cerema, FR) 


 Dallying with DALYs: Why acceptable IAQ should consider harm

Benjamin Jones (University of Nottingham, UK)


 Can naturally ventilated office buildings cope with dusty outdoor air? 

Evangelos Belias (EPFL, CH)


Energy implications of increased ventilation in commercial buildings to mitigate airborne pathogen transmission 

David Artigas (Simpson Gumpertz & Heger Inc., USA)


Long-term energy performance of dew-point indirect evaporative cooler under the climate change world scenario

 María Jesús Romero-Lara (University of Cordoba, ES)


 Indoor Environments Show  (more info)


Indoor Environments Show Episode-23: ASHRAE's new SPCC 241: Control of Infectious Aerosols

Max Sherman and Bill Bahnfleth


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