Webinar Recordings! Building & Ductwork Airtightness Trends in China, Japan, and New Zealand
From tightvent.eu
10 January, 09:57
The recordings from the AIVC & TightVent co-organized webinar, “Building and Ductwork Airtightness Trends and Regulations in China, Japan, and New Zealand”, held on December 13, 2024, are now available on our website. Featured Speakers: Yan Hu (Hunan University, China), Yoshihiro Toriumi (Tokyo Denki...
News from the EU and international partners
December issue of the REHVA Journal is out!
From www.rehva.eu
10 January, 11:21
A 3rd Mandate from EU to CEN for upgrading the set of EPB standards and developing a supporting open source EPB software tool is essential for a successful implementation of the revised EPBD in the EU Member States, specifically regarding the important milestones that shall be achieved by 2030. The CEN/ISO Roadmap that has been cooperatively developed and published by the relevant CEN and ISO technical committees...
Building Airtightness Impact on Energy Performance (EP) Calculations (more info)
How is Building Airtightness Factored into the EP Assessment of Homes in the UK?
Xiaofeng Zheng (University of Nottingham, UK)
Estimating Energy Losses: EN 16798-7 Airtightness and Total Air Renewal Evaluation
Valérie Leprince (Cerema, FR)
Building Airtightness in EP Calculation – Situation in Czech Republic
Jiri Novak (Czech Technical University in Prague, CZ)
AIVC’s Ventilation Information Paper N°46 “Building Airtightness Impact on Energy Performance (EP) Calculations”
Nolwenn Hurel (Cerema, FR)
Building and ductwork airtightness trends and regulations in China, Japan and New Zealand (more info)
Building and ductwork airtightness in China: National trends and requirements
Yan Hu (Hunan University, CN)
Building and ductwork airtightness in New Zealand: National trends and requirements
Steve McNeil (BRANZ, NZ)
Building and ductwork airtightness in Japan: National trends and requirements
Yoshihiro Toriumi (Tokyo Denki University, JP)