Improve SEO rankings

Improve SEO rankings

Increase traffic from search engines. Attract relevant visitors. Grow leads.

Struggle to get results with your current SEO strategy?

Does your website not show up in the first page of search results?

Did you develop content for SEO, but don’t have proven results?

Improve SEO by not doing SEO

That’s right! The old SEO is dead. 90% of all the data in the world has been generated over the last two years and faced with this huge, ever-increasing amount of data, threatened by social networks such as Facebook, search engines had to adapt or die. They found a better way of identifying quality and relevant content that genuinely addressed users’ needs. Backlinks-only strategies are not only inefficient but condoned by search engines.

The only way to improve SEO now is to understand the new SEO: content marketing. Don’t do SEO, Search Engine Optimization like we meant it when the acronym was invented. Do content. Content that your audience cares about. Content that brings them added value. That’s how search engines feed their first page.


Publish more content without additional resources.

« Content Curation helps your freshness factor »
Jayson DeMers


Content curation helps you stay current on key themes for your business and organize your content into categories for greater relevancy.


Publishing curated content will help you get inbound links. Good content curation drives social shares.

Download our eBook!

How to improve SEO
The power of Content Curation

and how to use it to grow traffic and leads

What’s in this ebook?

– The rules have changed: content is the new SEO
– Why content curation helps you improve SEO
– Content curation for SEO: data-driven answers
– In practice: 15 tips to leverage curation to improve SEO

Download Content Director helps SMBs to scale their content marketing

Publish fresh and relevant content to your site in minutes and attract qualified leads.

Smart Calendar

Let your smart calendar guide your content plan and save you time.

Content Sourcing

Source content in minutes through advanced curation technology.


Get measurable results through a comprehensive analytics dashboard.

“Business with websites of 401-1000 pages get 6x more leads than those with 51-100 pages”

“Companies that publish content have 434% more indexed pages.”

Keith Ward
Director of Global Marketing, d-Wise

“We used to have little on-line awareness and essentially a business card website that ranked on Google for nothing. My Subject Matter Experts didn’t have time to generate industry content. By using, we increased our SEO footprint by 200%. Traffic to our site increased and our SERP rankings improved for keywords we weren’t even on the radar for beforehand.”

Want to see how it works?
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