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Rescooped by evangelina chavez from SOCIAL MEDIA, what we think about!
January 26, 2012 1:54 PM

The Ultimate News Resource Guide to Social Marketing: 55 Top Marketing, Technology and Social Media News, Analysis and Trends Resources

The Ultimate News Resource Guide to Social Marketing: 55 Top Marketing, Technology and Social Media News, Analysis and Trends Resources | Utilización de Twitter la Educación | Scoop.it
Brief description of top sources named from Awareness, Inc.eBook on Social Marketing in 2012.


As we embark on 2012, the team at Awareness, Inc. consulted with the best and the brightest in marketing, strategy, technology, business and social media to help us identify the top news, analysis and trends resources for social marketing and social technology.


Our industry is among the most dynamic, with many voices reporting, analyzing and advising on social technology, social media developments, successes, and best practices.


To help you navigate the active social news space, we compiled this Ultimate Guide to the Top Marketing, Technology and Social Media Resources. This guide aggregates resources quoted by leading strategists such as David Meerman Scott, Brian Solis, Erik Qualman, Jason Falls, and Jay Bear, top analysts and influencers Jeremiah Owyang, Debi Kleiman, Laura Fitton, David Berkowitz, brand leaders such as Ekaterina Walter, Michael Pace, and Pam Johnston, and agency visionaries Steve Rubel, Mike Troiano, and Jonas Klit Nielsen in our free report on 2012 Social Marketing and New Media Predictions, to name just a few.


Read more: http://www.socialnomics.net/2012/01/03/the-ultimate-news-resource-guide-to-social-marketing-55-top-marketing-technology-and-social-media-news-analysis-and-trends-resources/

Via Martin Gysler
Tom George's comment, January 26, 2012 7:06 AM
Just a heads up Martin site was migrated to faster server so temporarily down for sharing will let you know when it is back up
Renato Xavier - www.renatoxavier.com's comment, January 26, 2012 9:28 AM
Hey, Do you know about the challenge of SEO here in Brazil. The distpute is fierce for the term "katipsoi zunontee". http://www.renatoxavier.com/katipsoi-zunontee It is in Portuguese but you can use the translate.
Rescooped by evangelina chavez from SOCIAL MEDIA, what we think about!
November 28, 2011 12:57 PM

50 Questions To Determine Social Media Marketing Success

50 Questions To Determine Social Media Marketing Success | Utilización de Twitter la Educación | Scoop.it

To maximize your organization’s social media effectiveness, here’s a set of fifty questions. Depending on where your organization is along the social media adoption curve, these questions can help you develop your social media marketing plans going forward by determining where you need to improve.


50 Questions to determine your organization’s social media success


Social media monitoring. Before diving into the social media waters, it’s critical to listen to the conversation.

Via Gary Hitching, Martin Gysler
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