How can cities be designed for sustainable living? | URBANmedias |
How can cities be designed for sustainable living?


A new interactive exhibition from the Guardian, 'Our Urban Future', explores the importance of cities in making the world a more sustainable place. The exhibition at The Crystal in London's Docklands seeks to challenge and reinvent the way we think about cities and gives visitors the chance to learn how they can make a contribution to sustainable living.

Scroll through the gallery showcasing snippets from the exhibition, and read responses on how cities can be designed for sustainable living and share what you think urban environments will look like in future...


Visit the link for a slideshow of exhibition highlights, including:

The immersive Forces of Change theatre: a global view of the challenges and opportunities that climate change, demographic change and urbanisation raise. The Creating Cities game: exploring issues around city management and urban planning. The Go Electric Zone: the challenges and solutions to balancing energy supply, demand and storage. The Water is Life Zone: harvested rainwater is used to shed light on desalination, purity and resources. The ‘Future Life’ film gallery: how London, New York and Copenhagen look forward to 2050, and envisioning how our cities could develop if sustainable solutions are embraced.

Via Lauren Moss, Gerry B