Why Cities Are Growing Faster Than Suburbs | URBANmedias | Scoop.it
It's not just millennials - families and baby boomers are also leaving their suburban homes.

For the first time in a century, America’s largest cities are growing faster than their suburbs. An Associated Press story widely covered in the media yesterday, including in Time, said the findings from new 2011 census estimates reveal a “dramatic switch” from the previous pattern of suburban dominance.

Between 1988 and 1996, central cities together had suffered an net out-migration of over two million people each year, while suburbs experienced a collective net gain of two to three million people each year.

A lot has changed since those bleak times for cities, from revitalization of declining neighborhoods to transit investment to a disaffection among suburbanites with long commutes and rising gasoline prices...

Via Lauren Moss, Toni Sánchez