Top 25 greenest cities in the U.S. | URBANmedias |
Which region in the U.S. has the largest number of sustainable cities?

Having a green city isn’t just about how many people you can get to carry reusable bags to the grocery store (though that doesn’t hurt). It’s about smart development, land use, and transportation policies. It’s about waste reduction, energy efficiency, and so much more.

Corporate Knights, a publication that promotes “clean capitalism,” checked in on the biggest cities across the US to see if they have policies in place to help them be more sustainable. As Huffington Post points out, the list is not about results but which cities are making the most effort.

They looked specifically at the largest 54 U.S. cities, along with Pittsburgh. Each city was analyzed based on 38 policies and programs in eight categories: smart growth activities; land-use planning programs and policies; transportation planning programs and policies; pollution prevention, reduction and remediation; energy and resource conservation/efficiency, and more...

Via Lauren Moss