East Coast Passivhaus with a Green Roof | URBANmedias | Scoop.it

As of today, the first house designed and built to the Passivhaus standard in Arlington is now on the market.  

Arlington Passivhaus was built with Neopor EPS SIPs, Intus triple-pane windows, and an exterior of fiber cement, precast concrete, and synthetic stucco (EIFS). The home has an emphasis on airtightness and energy efficiency, with a 700-square-foot green roof, contemporary interior finishes, and landscape that reduces stormwater runoff.

The interior is outfitted with Energy Star appliances, WaterSense fixtures, LED and CFL lighting, an energy recovery ventilator, a heat-pump water heater, mini-split HVAC system, zero-VOC paints and adhesives, bamboo floors, and no-added formaldehyde cabinets...

Via Lauren Moss