Understanding the Concept Behind Infographics | omnia mea mecum fero | Scoop.it
Content has its own importance on a website however; mostly people judge an entire website over images and graphics used. So, the images used on a website should convey your basic message and purpose of the website.

If there is a complex piece of information which should be delivered to a viewer in a simpler manner, Infographics are a way to do so. Used by technical writers, statisticians and many others to simplify the process of conveying a complex message. At times, presenting too much of information in written form can confuse the viewer and also it gets time taking. So, in such cases Infographics assist in understanding...

A few elements are required for Infographics. First of all you should have a clear knowledge about the message you want to deliver. Once you are sure of that, you would require color coding, graphics, reference icons, time frames, statistics and off course references...

Via Lauren Moss