16 ultra-creative CVs / interactive résumés that catch the eye | Communicate...and how! | Scoop.it

Pretty much everybody has created a CV / résumé at some stage in their life. As with most forms of content I think the key is to establish a tone of voice, and try to stand out from the surrounding noise.


I always used to put ‘vinyl junkie’ in the ‘interests’ section on my CV, which always worked a treat in interviews regardless of the role. People would ask me about my passion for music. I’d return the serve by asking the interviewer the same thing. These things can help to break any ice, and I think you should habitually ask plenty of questions in interviews, for all sorts of reasons.


Nowadays there are more opportunities than ever to attract the right kind of attention, and creative professionals in particular can go the extra mile to make an impression. I thought I’d collect a bunch of examples, which may inspire you to do something different...

Via Jeff Domansky