Metaglossia: The Translation World
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Metaglossia: The Translation World
News about translation, interpreting, intercultural communication, terminology and lexicography - as it happens
Curated by Charles Tiayon
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The vanishing art of cursive writing

It was there that Mrs. McCalden taught us the art of cursive script, introducing one or two new letters at a time until we mastered the entire alphabet.

She was firmly of the old school, so it was fitting that it was she who would teach us this exacting, precise skill.

As a child fascinated with letters, words and reading, I was predictably eager about cursive writing.!
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« Les minorités en Turquie avaient besoin d’un tel magazine » - Aujourd'hui la Turquie

Paros, le magazine multiculturel en langue turque, a fêté le mois dernier son second anniversaire. Comment se porte votre magazine ?
C’est un magazine presque nouveau, mais nous avons déjà acquis une grande notoriété. Notre tirage s’élève à 3000 exemplaires. Nous avons de plus en plus de lecteurs. Nous sommes lus dans toute la Turquie, mais également dans le monde entier : nous avons des abonnés aux États-Unis, en Europe, en Australie, en Grèce… nous avons même quelques abonnés à Dubaï ! Par ailleurs, nous avons réussi à augmenter nettement le nombre de pages en deux ans. Quand nous avons lancé Paros, le mensuel comportait 98 pages. Aujourd’hui, il en a environ 200.!
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Google Books Lawsuit Dismissed: "All Society Benefits," Says Judge Chin

In a decision that may have deep and wide-ranging implications for the publishing industry and for future applications of the fair use doctrine, Judge Denny Chin has dismissed the Authors Guild’s eight-year-old lawsuit against Google over its Google Books project.

This decision comes as less than a total surprise to many observers, even though the future of Google Books seemed uncertain following Judge Chin’s rejection of a proposed settlement in early 2011. (In 2012 Google did reach a separate settlement with the Association of American Publishers, which had sued Google specifically over its use of books published by McGraw-Hill, Pearson Education, the Penguin Group, John Wiley & Sons, and Simon & Schuster.) However, an appellate court’s rejection this past summer of Judge Chin’s granting of class status to the plaintiffs contained significant hints that the lawsuit was not going to end well for them—in that decision, the Second Circuit hinted strongly that they found Google’s fair-use defense compelling.

And in the end, Judge Chin agreed. Strongly. In his decision, he reviews the facts and procedural history of the case. Among the facts he lays out are, significantly, a list of five benefits that he feels Google Books offers to society. All quotes in the section below are taken from Judge Chin’s written decision. He cites as factual truths that the Google Books project:

Increases efficiency of discovery. (“Google Books provides a new and efficient way for readers and researchers to find books… [it] has become an essential research tool.”)Makes text-mining possible on a massive scale. (“Google Books permits humanities scholars to analyze massive amounts of data—the literary record created by a collection of tens of millions of books.”)Expands access to books. (Google Books “provides print-disabled individuals with the potential to search for books and read them” and “facilitates the identification and access of materials for remote and underfunded libraries.”)“Helps to preserve books and give them new life,” particularly by making old and out-of-print books available to the general public.Benefits authors and publishers “by helping readers and researchers identify books” and by providing “links to sellers of the book.”

In his analysis of the fair use argument, Judge Chin begins by strongly defending the characterization of Google’s digitization project as a “transformative” use (a heavy factor in favor of fair use), and then applies each of the four tests for fair use to Google’s actions:!
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The evolving role of the Oxford English Dictionary -

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Look for a topical expression in the Oxford English Dictionary and you may find it is older than you think. “Phone-hacking”, for example, was first used in the early 1980s. Americans have been worrying about “fiscal cliffs” of one kind or another for more than 50 years. And the desire for an “Arab spring” goes back to at least 1975 – or longer in the case of cyclists, for whom the term was coined in the late 19th century to denote a component in the suspension of saddles.

Words need a bit of a track record to make it into the OED. Once there, the rule is that they never come out, with obsolescence marked, instead, by dagger symbols sprinkled like memento mori through its pages. In general, the lexicographers look for evidence of at least 10 years’ use, though they do break this rule occasionally: “tweet” in its Twitter sense is included despite only having been around since 2006; the more recent “trending”, however, is not. “It’s on the back burner,” says Craig Leyland, a member of the new words team. “If it keeps being used in the same way, then it will most likely be going in.”!
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Una nueva traducción al catalán

M.E.V. El presente volumen de Edicions de 1984 es una nueva traducción catalana ampliamente anotada de Un hiver à Majorque (1842). El texto de partida para esta nueva publicación es el que editó Pléiade en 1971. Por su parte, el epistolario es una selección de cartas extraídas de la Correspondance publicadas por el especialista sandiano Georges Lubin. Son más de 40 cartas que fueron enviadas por la autora a diversos corresponsales entre octubre de 1838 y julio de 1839. Una serie de misivas que permiten aclarar algún punto oscuro o negar la validez de ciertos tópicos contenidos en Un hivern a Mallorca, el relato de una estancia comprendida entre noviembre de 1838 y febrero de 1939.!
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La explosión extática del cuerpo sintomático -

La poeta Ana Cristina Cesar (Río de Janeiro, 1952-1983) fue una de las voces más representativas de la denominada “generación del mimeógrafo” de la década de 1970 en Brasil. Ensayista, traductora y feminista, su prematura muerte la convirtió en mito. Llega a las librerías argentinas la primera traducción al castellano de “El método documental”, una notable investigación sobre los procedimientos medulares de la creación artística.!
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Iran Book News Agency (IBNA) - A New Translation of ‘Being There’ to Hit Bookshelves

Iranian translator Mahsa Malek Marzban has translated ‘Being There’, a novel by Jerzy Kosiński.

IBNA: To be released by Amout Publications, different translations of the book have been published in Iran so far. 

Jerzy Kosiński was an award-winning Polish-American novelist and two-time President of the American Chapter of P.E.N., who wrote primarily in English. 

He was known for various novels, among them ‘The Painted Bird’ and ‘Steps’. 

Kosiński's novels have appeared on The New York Times Best Seller list, and have been translated into over 30 languages, with total sales estimated at 70 million in 1991.!
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William Weaver, acclaimed translator, dies at 90

NEW YORK (AP) — William Weaver, one of the world's most honored and widely read translators who helped introduce English-language readers to the works of Umberto Eco, Italo Calvino and many other Italian writers, has died.

His nephew John Paulson said Weaver died Tuesday at a retirement home in Rhinebeck, N.Y. He was 90 and had been in poor health for years since suffering a stroke.!
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La pensée et la langue, penser la langue

Jeudi 14 novembre 2013, sur France 5, durant l’émission « Les grandes questions »(*) consacrée à la pensée unique, Claude Hagège, linguiste éminent, a fait une intervention érudite, instructive et édifiante. Il était question de la langue globale comme arme de banalisation massive. L’anglais, ce parler de l’économie néo-libérale, tend à polluer, écraser, pervertir l’expression du français.

Ce globish, anglais d’aéroport, dixit Hagège, devient notre langue véhiculaire, un outil de communication entre deux personnes qui n’ont pas le même baragouin, au point qu’il risque de faire disparaître, à terme, ce qui devient peu à peu un idiome vernaculaire, à savoir le français. « Vernaculaire », pour une langue, désigne ce qui est parlé au niveau d’une communauté.

Les langues régionales sont des langues vernaculaires, en opposition au français qui est la langue véhiculaire dans notre pays.!
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20 minutes - «Hein?»: le mot universel a été découvert - Lifestyle

On retrouve le coup de glotte caractéristique du questionnement dans quasiment toutes les langues du monde et avec la même signification qu en français.!
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Anthea Bell: 'It's all about finding the tone of voice in the original. You have to be quite free'

Publication of the first new Asterix album in eight years has brought the world's media to a small house in Cambridge. The Guardian is in the living room and BBC Northern Ireland is on the phone. It's the 35th adventure that translator Anthea Bell has undertaken with the world's most famous Gaul, and it has transported them to Scotland on a mission to save the Picts from imperialists and usurpers.!
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Bible is More Accessible Now Than Anytime in History; Work to Translate Into Every Tongue Hastens Jesus' Return?

The president of the largest Bible translation organization in the world says that more people than ever before can access the Bible in their own language, that translation programs for every native language in the world will be underway in twelve years, and that work to translate the Bible into every tongue brings us closer to the return of Jesus to earth.

"More people have access to scripture than at any other time in history," Bob Creson, president and CEO of Wycliffe Bible Translators USA, told The Christian Post in an interview on Friday. On Thursday, Wycliffe announced that 4.9 billion people can now read the Bible in their native language. Creson declared that by 2025, there will be "translation occurring in every community that needs it." Only 1,919 language groups still lack access to the Bible, and Creson expects that to drop below 1,900 soon.!
Timothy Kyles's curator insight, November 20, 2013 7:10 PM

This is wonderful news and goes right in perfect Harmony with Matthew 24

Natural Language: The Next Big Thing in SEO - Business 2 Community

It seems to me like the concept of “natural language” has been everywhere lately in the world of SEO. Google’s Hummingbird update appears to be better equipped to deal with natural language, while voice search (which of course only uses natural language) continues to become more prominent thanks to the release of products like Google Glass and the Samsung Galaxy Gear.

Voice search has been hugely influential in the growth of natural language queries. For years now, products have been released that promise to revolutionize voice search and make it practical for the masses. Apple’s Siri seems to have been the most successful, but Siri is still not as responsive and accurate as one would hope.

Read more at!
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Translating the Palestinian Declaration of Independence

Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) gave the Arabic language text of the Declaration to the United Nations Organization in order to be translated into the five official languages of the United Nations (English, Chinese, French, Russian, and...!
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Student translators bridge parent-teacher gap at Conrad High

When Mang Lian arrived in the United States three years ago, he had only a minimal knowledge of English.

Much like other refugees who enter this country, he became immersed in a world with a language different from the Burmese he grew up speaking in the Chin State in Myanmar.

“A lot of people came here and didn’t know how to speak English or anything,” Mang Lian said. “So if they can’t speak anything, they can’t do what they want. They can’t express themselves.”

That existing language barrier also means non-English-speaking parents, like his own, might have difficulty understanding how their child is performing in school.

This year, the Emmett J. Conrad High School junior is helping to make that communication between parents and teachers smoother by serving as a volunteer translator interpreting conversations into his native language.!
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Word up, jeune PME de traduction, a ouvert au centre d’innovation à Orléans

Le marché de la traduction ne compte que quelques entreprises dans le Loiret. Une nouvelle vient de voir le jour, à Orléans.


Le souhait de se mettre à son compte, de tracer sa propre voie dans un secteur méconnu du grand public, celui de la traduction et de l'interprétation. Chez Bérangère Cossu et Julie Raveleau, cette volonté est née progressivement, autour des valeurs liées à l'amour du travail bien fait.

En septembre dernier, elles ont, toutes les deux, fondé Word Up, une Sarl au capital de 10.000 euros installée dans les locaux du centre d'innovation d'Orléans La Source. Le résultat d'une démarche préparatoire menée avec la Boutique de gestion mais aussi les services des pépinières d'entreprises.

Comme l'explique Julie Raveleau, « nous sommes, toutes les deux, issues du milieu de la traduction et avons travaillé dans la même entreprise située à Orléans. Nous étions animées par le même idéal de qualité. Notre agence se positionne sur du haut de gamme, en proposant une relecture systématique des traductions ».!
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Traduire la pluralité du texte littéraire

Journée d'étude

Traduire la pluralité du texte littéraire

Organisée par Patrick Maurus, Marie Vrinat-Nikolov et Mourad Yelles
avec le soutien du Conseil scientifique de l'INALCO, du Centre d'Etude et de Recherches sur les Littératures et les Oralités du Monde et du Centre de Recherches Europes-Eurasie

Samedi 23 novembre 2013
Auditorium de l'INALCO,  65 rue des Grands Moulins,  75013 Paris

Depuis la seconde moitié du XXe siècle, un nombre important de travaux et de colloques ont vu le jour sur la traduction, affirmant et affermissant ainsi, peu à peu, l'autonomie d'une discipline qui se trouve en même temps au confluent de plusieurs autres. Mais ceux qui traitent de la spécificité de la traduction littéraire en tant que traduction de textes en langues – et non de langues à langues – avec tout ce que cela implique d'individuation d'une écriture qui porte en même temps en elle les traces du social et de l'histoire dans lesquels elle s'inscrit, sont encore trop rares.!
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John Muenzer: Reading is a vital skill for life success

What do we in the tri-county area have in common with each other? Answer: The latest data indicate that, in multiple school districts in the tri-county area, the 2011 graduation rate hovered around 50 percent. Only one out of two students received a diploma. There were nearly 700 dropouts in 2010.

Many of these dropouts may remain illiterate for the rest of their lives. Worse, they may build families in which literacy is not valued; making illiteracy exponential. Please note that family income level is not the greatest predictor of a child’s literacy and success in school. The greatest predictor of a child’s literacy level is the parents’ literacy levels.!
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Literature for children focus at New Delhi World Book Fair

New Delhi: Literature for children will be the focus at the upcoming edition of New Delhi World Book Fair (NDWBF) with Poland being chosen as the Guest of Honour country. 

"We are happy to join hands with a country like Poland which has had four Nobel laureates in literature. The association will be fascinating and facilitate rich exchange of literature between two countries," said A Sethumadhavan, chairman of National Book Trust (NBT), while speaking at the at the launch of the translation of a Polish book titled 'Little Chopin' here recently. 

"The focus for Delhi World Book Fair 2014 will be literature for children and Poland will showcase children's illustrations through an exhibition and bring books for children," says Anna Tryc-Bromley, director Polish Institute here, part of the Polish diplomatic mission and responsible for promoting Polish culture in India.!
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Microsoft's new Kinect tool aims to translate sign language into sound

After finding various uses outside of gaming, Microsoft's Kinect motion-sensing console accessory is about to embark on something amazing, yet again: bridging the gap between the deaf and those who can hear. Microsoft researchers are developing a Kinect-based sign language tool that can translate sign into spoken language and back. "Our system is still a research prototype. It is progressing from recognizing isolated words signed by a specific person (translator mode) to understanding continuous communication from any competent signer (communication mode)," said Guobin Wu, research program manager for Microsoft Research Asia.!
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‘Bad Sh**’: Epic Hot Mic Moment Catches Translator Saying What Some (Including TheBlaze) Have Noticed | Video |

A United Nations interpreter translating the proceedings of the General Assembly on Thursday was caught – not realizing her microphone was still piping her voice into the chamber – expressing her dismay that the world body is so focused on condemning Israel while ignoring every other country in the world.

Following votes at the General Assembly’s Fourth Committee which includes all 193 UN member states, nine resolutions were adopted condemning Israel. Not one resolution was adopted targeting any other country, not even Syria where more than 100,000 have been killed in just two-and-a-half years.!
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Muere el lingüista Guido Gómez de Silva

El Fondo de Cultura Económica dio a conocer el fallecimiento del lingüista Guido Gómez de Silva, gran conocedor de la lengua española y del habla mexicana, miembro de la Academia Mexicana de la Lengua (AML) y autor de una de las obras referentes del español hablado en México, como le es el Diccionario breve de mexicanismos.

Nacido en Padua, Italia, en 1925, desde 1940 se naturalizó mexicano; estudió la maestría en lengua y literaturas españolas en la UNAM y su doctorado lo realizó en lenguas orientales en El Colegio de México.

Entre sus obras destacan el Breve diccionario etimológico de la lengua española, el Diccionario internacional de literatura y gramática, y elDiccionario geográfico universal; en la AML era presidente honorario de la Comisión de Lexicografía en la Academia Mexicana de la Lengua, desde 2001.!
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Hablar y escribir mejor

Las frecuentes ediciones de obras dedicadas a resolver dudas sobre el uso del idioma parecen reflejar que a los españoles les interesa mucho hablar y escribir bien. Al menos a un buen número de ellos. Estos libros -el último dedicado a dar respuesta a las que considera las quinientas dudas más frecuentes sobre nuestra lengua- tienen distintos enfoques y calidades.

Entre nosotros marcó una época y creó escuela el diccionario de dudas de Manuel Seco, recientemente reeditado con no demasiada fortuna. Le siguieron obras como el Diccionario de usos y dudas del español actual y el Manual de estilo de la lengua española, repetidamente reeditados, del gallego José Martínez de Sousa. El proceso tuvo un punto de inflexión cuando en el 2005 se publicó el Diccionario panhispánico de dudas, que traía la firma de la Academia Española, lo cual es el mejor aval posible para la mayoría de la gente. Esta obra se redactó teniendo a la vista las dudas más frecuentes de los hablantes, plasmadas en las preguntas dirigidas al servicio de consultas de la Academia.!
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Presentarán el primer Diccionario Litúrgico en el CCB - El Liberal Digital

Publicado el 17/11/2013 - El próximo jueves 21 del corriente mes, será presentado en el auditorio del Centro Cultural del Bicentenario, el primer Diccionario Litúrgico Didáctico e Ilustrado, una obra escrita por Alba Lidia Camaño de Ávila, en adhesión al Año de la Fe. 
La presentación del trabajo estará a cargo del padre Julián Cueva, rector del Seminario Mayor de nuestra provincia, quien también escribió el prólogo del libro. 
“Este libro es un homenaje y una contribución personal al Año de la Fe. En él los lectores se van a encontrar con una guía de cómo celebrar la misa y términos litúrgicos, especialmente ordenados alfabéticamente”, indicó la autora del diccionario.!
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How to translate WordPress theme into any language | GavickPro Documentation

Over the years we have seen rapid growth in WordPress and how relevant it has become in the web design community. Right now WordPress is the most popular CMS around the globe in reference to the statistics. It is the perfect content management system regardless of nationality or language. Its default installation is available in almost any language you can imagine.

Lately, more and more people are asking us how to translate a WordPress theme (front-end) into a language other than default English, which is already packed to our themes. This article explains how to take a language file that is included with Gavick WordPress theme and translate it into your native language.!
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