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Le commissaire aux langues officielles doit cesser d’intervenir contre le français au Québec !

Le Mouvement Québec français déplore que Graham Fraser, commissaire aux langues officielles du Canada, sorte à nouveau de son mandat et critique les mesures destinées à faire progresser le français au Québec.
Sujets : Québec , Montréal , Canada
Les Québécois, lors de la dernière élection, ont choisi de stopper le déclin du français au Québec. Plusieurs d’entre eux ont compris d’ailleurs, et cela depuis longtemps, que la loi fédérale sur les langues officielles, adoptée sous prétexte de contrer la discrimination à l’endroit des francophones hors-Québec, a surtout servi à s’assurer du maintien des privilèges de la communauté anglophone de Montréal, vestige du règne colonial de la Grande-Bretagne.
M. Fraser, un fonctionnaire fédéral, s’attaque au projet d’application de la loi 101 aux cégeps, qui constitue une des mesures les plus importantes pour contrer déclin du français à Montréal. En comparaison, advenant que cette mesure soit réalisée, les services scolaires et universitaires francophones dans le reste du Canada continueraient à être beaucoup moins disponibles, non seulement pour les allophones, mais pour la faible proportion de francophones hors-Québec qui n’ont pas encore été assimilés.
Le réseau collégial anglophone reçoit deux fois plus de financement que la part du poids démographique des anglophones au Québec le justifie. En ce qui a trait au réseau universitaire anglophone, cette proportion est triplée, sinon quadruplée. Quoi qu’en dise M. Fraser, l’anglais se porte très bien partout au Québec alors que le français recule.
Tous les rapports du commissaire aux langues officielles démontrent que la résistance à l’utilisation du français est persistante et quotidienne dans toutes les sphères de l’état fédéral. Si le Canada avait à cœur la survie du français, il y a longtemps qu’il aurait respecté la volonté des Québécois de faire du français la langue commune sur le seul territoire qui ait pu, souvent dans des conditions difficiles, résister au rouleau compresseur de l’anglicisation.
La réalité que Graham Fraser nous cache c’est que la loi canadienne sur les langues officielles est une fausse politique de défense des minorités, qui sert dans les faits à perpétuer en douce l’oppression linguistique des francophones en général et des Québécois en particulier.
Mario Beaulieu, président du Mouvement Québec français!
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50 Shades of Grey: Novel a hit in Quebec, too

MONTREAL—It sits high on the bookshelf along with the other bestsellers. Another stack of books is arranged in the form of an eye-catching pyramid at the checkout counter of a busy downtown bookstore.

To its right is the English version of the dirty novel that has taken the world by storm. A little to the left is what we might now call the grandmother of mommy porn, The Story of O — the subversive product of longing and desire in postwar France.

Now critics and cultural observers in Quebec are trying to divine exactly where 50 Shades of Grey, published for the first time earlier this month under the French title 50 Nuance de Grey, fits in the cannon of French-language erotic fiction.

The story by British author E.L. James of an affair between a troubled sadist, Christian Grey, and a reluctant college graduate, Anastasia Steele, who falls under his sway, was already a popular purchase here when it was only available in English.

The new translation has also topped the bestseller charts with Quebec’s two most popular outlets, Renaud-Bray and Archambault.

“The craziness has already started. We have many orders and many women coming into our boutiques looking for it,” said Cindy Cinnamon, owner of Boutiques PlanetX, a chain of sex shops in and around Quebec City.!
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Quebec's language law to be extended to daycare

QUEBEC — Immigrants to Quebec who want to send their children to daycare will soon have to find a French-language centre, says the province's family minister.

The measure will be part of legislation to be tabled this fall that is aimed at toughening Bill 101, Nicole Leger told The Canadian Press.

"Bill 101 is going to be changed," Leger said.

"I will have plenty of support as family minister to make sure it also extends to daycares."

Quebec has various types of child-care centres and it is not immediately clear whether the new legislation will apply to all of them.

However, later in the day, Karine Doyon, a press aide to Leger, said the minister's priority is to find a spot for every child and she refused to discuss the Bill 101 comment.

And both the opposition Liberals and Coalition Avenir Québec refused to comment on the matter.

There are about 1,000 Centres de la petite enfance in the province, and another 600 private subsidized daycares in addition to many private unsubsidized centres. Currently, Quebec's language law doesn't apply to most of the daycare network.

An official of the Quebec English School Boards Association said on Wednesday that children in daycare at English-language school boards qualify to go to English school under the regulations of Bill 101, so this change wouldn't have much of an impact for anglophone boards.

"We will leave it to Quebecers to decide if four-year-olds should be subject to the law," said the official, who didn't want to be identified.

Premier Pauline Marois has made it clear she intends to strengthen the French Language Charter, which actually falls under the purview of another cabinet minister, Diane De Courcy.

Another possible measure would force companies with between 11 and 50 employees to make French the official language of the workplace. Currently, that provision applies only to those with 50 or more workers.

The PQ has said it will take special aim at Montreal and the Outaouais region in western Quebec where the party believes French is under particular threat.

Bill 101 was passed by the PQ government in 1977 and makes it compulsory for the children of most immigrants to attend French-language schools.

The PQ has also made noise about extending Bill 101 to post-secondary junior colleges.

The law also imposes restrictions on the use of languages other than French on commercial signs.

Leger said in the same interview she wants to create 32,000 new daycare spaces, at $7 a day, to reach a total of 250,000 by 2016.

Immediately after the PQ was elected in September, Marois said the PQ and the opposition parties were in agreement about the need to add daycare places.


Original source article: Quebec's language law to be extended to daycare

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PQ backtracks on plan to extend French Language Charter to daycare centres

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Travis Bouwman's curator insight, October 4, 2013 9:26 AM

It's a very good idea that they are changing this. It expands the child's language knowledge. It also helps with growing to be more socail so you can still make friends even though you speak different languages.