Tracking the Top Timberland Owners in the U.S. and Canada, 2015 Update | Timberland Investment |

In the United States, “industrial” timberlands, or privately owned acres managed to maximize wood volume and cash flows, comprise 9% to 14% of all U.S. forests. In Canada, only 7% of all forest area is privately owned, and but a fraction of this would qualify as investable timberlands for institutional and timber REIT investors. 


Currently, the List includes over 300 private organizations in the United States and Canada that each own or manage 10,000 timberland acres or more. These include private individuals, corporations and institutions that own or manage over 100 million acres of private timberlands. Of the 103.3 million timberland acres captured here, 96.5 million (93%) acres are with 120 organizations that own or manage 100,000 acres or more each. The figure [above] breaks down the 100,000+ acre owners by type.