This piece is from the Infoengineering blog


I selected this article because it is a constant challenge for me as a content curator and I know all of you are dealing with this, some better than others. More to come on this subject in weeks to come.




We're all experiencing this problem, there are some great suggestions to help you navigate all the noise.


"Information Overload is an increasing problem both in the workplace, and in life in general".


The Information Overload Age - This is when your mind is bombarded with images, sounds and sensations that overload the brain.


The root of the problem is that, although computer processing and memory is increasing all the time, the humans that must use the information are not getting any faster.


Effectively, the human mind acts as a bottleneck in the process.


There are some great suggestions on how to work with information overload effectively:


There are no simple solutions but here are some things you can do right now that will help you:


**Spending less time on gaining information that is nice to know and more time on things that we need to know now.


**Focusing on quality of information, rather than quantity.


**A short concise e-mail is more valuable than a long e-mail.Learning how to create better information (this is what Infogineering is about).


**Be direct in what you ask people, so that they can provide short precise answers.


**Single-tasking, and keeping the mind focused on one issue at a time.


****Spending parts of the day disconnected from interruptions (e.g. switch off e-mail, telephones, Web, etc.) so you can fully concentrate for a significant period of time on one thing.


My fellow curator and colleague, Beth Kanter has done a lot of work in this area, recently, she did a blog post and a review on a great book "The Information Diet"


Curated by Jan Gordon covering "Content Curation, Social Business and Beyond"


Read full article here:  []

Via janlgordon