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Drones in Airsoft?!?! – Airsoftology Mondays – YouTube

Drones in Airsoft?!?! – Airsoftology Mondays – YouTube | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |

“In this Monday Q&A show Jonathan is tossing out answers to your questions on; bullying in airsoft (or the lack of it), fixing a loose rail on your airsoft gun and do drones have a place on the airsoft field?

Code Red Headsets video of the week: 1941 Lego World War Two Battle of Brody by Brick Dictator –

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If you want to get your question on the show, just put it in the comments and vote up your favorites.

A huge thanks goes out to Palco Sports and Code Red Headsets for helping keep Airsoftology Mondays free!…”

Thumpy Covey's insight:

Wait, what?…CLONES…OR DRONES?  THIS Monday’s episode has BOTH!  Check out Double Big Jay’s as he reaches back to last week’s episode for a little more clarification, then launches sky-ward with a Q&A about the topics of the day!


CLICK THIS PIC ABOVE to get TWICE what you though you might get from the AIRSOFTOLOGY “double-secret probation link!”

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Getting a Tacti-Beard with Airsoftology Monday - On YouTube

Getting a Tacti-Beard with Airsoftology Monday - On YouTube | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |

“In this episode of Mondays Jonathan covers topics on: How to fix a gun that stopped firing, magazine discipline & the secret trick to grow an Operator Beard!

Again, a huge thanks to Epik Panda for the contest goodies. Visit their site at for all of your Panda patch needs.

Disclaimer: DO NOT try our beard method. It has been known to anger parents/significant others, traumatize small animals and cause face rashes and burns.

Code Red Headsets video of the week: Amazing Reload –

A huge thanks to Code Red Headsets for helping keep Airsoftology Mondays free for you guys and gals! Visit their site at http:/ for all of your airsoft communications needs.

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Thumpy Covey's insight:

Jonathan’s one solid “known known” is thatluxuriant Tacti-Beard he’s sporting…and as a huge tip to his fans and followers, AIRSOFTOLOGY cracks open the Top Secret medicine cabinet, hermetically sealed on Funk and Wagnal’s porch since noon Monday to reveal the how-to tips for you DIY WhiskerMeisters!

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How Can I Tell if My LiPo Battery is Almost Empty? - Airsoftology Mondays on YouTube

How Can I Tell if My LiPo Battery is Almost Empty? - Airsoftology Mondays on YouTube | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |

“In this show Jonathan answers your questions on: LiPo low battery warnings, wiring resistance (and how it can hurt your gun’s performance) & asks you a question about PC gaming; should it be added into the channel mix?

Code Red Headsets Video of the Week: Film Riot’s Portal Combat video –

A huge thanks to Code Red Headsets for helping keep Airsoftology Mondays free for you guys and gals! Visit their site at http:/ for all of your airsoft communications needs.

Subscribe to our channel here:…

Want to support Airsoftology?
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Thumpy Covey's insight:

These contests that Jonathan is putting together have WAY WAY better odds than you get in the lottery, Vegas or event when you open the fridge to see if the light goes on and off.  Well, not quite that good…but hella good anywho.  And, you get your airsoft and milsim questions answered for free, too.  WINNAH WINNAH!

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The home of Airsoft News for the USA and the World. Innovation in Airsoft is OUR ONLY GAME!