UTAH FOLLOW-UP: Officers trained to respond the same when firearm or airsoft gun is pointed at them - fox13now.com | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ Scoop.it | Scoop.it

"...Airsoft tactical owner Aaron Radl said it’s common sense not to point a weapon at an officer and the orange tip shouldn’t be the reason an officer hesitates.

“You can easily paint a real gun and it could look pink or orange and if someone wants to paint a real gun orange and make that officer hesitate to think that it’s a toy gun then that’s a jeopardy you’re putting that police officer in,” Radl said.

Radl doesn’t just sell airsoft guns. He trains, educates and participates in the sport as well. He’s quick to correct anyone who calls the BB gun a toy.

“It’ll knock your teeth out at around 200 feet away and it could puncture the eye or in the ear canal, cause abrasions or bruises on you,” Radl said...."