What. Is. THIS? - BO MTO Phantom - video via 0'20 TV | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ Scoop.it | Scoop.it

“-This is just unbelievable, a true revolution in the airsoft industry. BO Manufacture invented the ultimate airsoft system, it is based on a magnetic source of energy, no more gears, no more motors, no more failures after a few thousand rounds, BO Manufacture guarantee 1 million rounds. The battery will last one week.

-The instant trigger response is about milliseconds and everything is completely silent except the airflow of course. The MTO project is a two years R&D process that is now worlwide patented, the whole thing is made in Bordeaux (France) in the brand new BO Manufacture factory.

-As Eric Gautier, Founder of BO, used t o say: ” In Bordeaux, we had no airsoft ecosystem to build airsoft guns but we had a great aeronautics ecosystem, then I used this one and we are now obviously building much more advanced products”.

-We heard that MTO goes far beyond airsoft but that is another story… We will bring more to you very soon with a complete detailed product review.
