SILLY-BALLERZ & PAINT-STUPID CANADA: Man with 'lookalike AK-47' arrested at gunpoint at Lime Ridge Mall - | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |

"...Natalie Barbon, a clerk at Hallmark, said she never saw the man come in with the paintball gun, but witnessed the aftermath.

"There was a lot of shouting as they rushed him out of the mall. A lot of cops and security and it all happened so fast, it was over in five minutes. I was a little nervous. Given a situation like that, no one knows what will happen."

Staff Sgt. Cox said the man was dressed in black and smoking as he walked through the mall.

"That (the smoking, almost as much as the gun) set people off . We all know you don't smoke indoors. It's one of those defiance issues..."