HOT @ SHOT Show '16 - KRYTAC ANNOUNCES NEW GUNS - INCLUDING A KRISS AEG V2! | Thumpy's 3D House of Airsoft™ @ |

"January 20, 2016 - Chesapeake, Virginia, USA - KRYTAC, the cutting edge design and development team of the Switzerland based KRISS Group, demonstrates the highly anticipated KRISS Vector AEG prototype for the first time to a select audience during an exclusive KRISS USA New Products Demonstration. Also revealed for 2016 is KRYTAC's new entry level AEG, the Alpha Series, as well as the Trident MK2. 

KRISS USA revealed the KRYTAC KRISS Vector AEG to a select audience during an exclusive KRISS USA product demonstration in Las Vegas, Nevada. The Vector AEG is a 1:1 scale representation of the KRISS Vector GEN II SMG firearm and is powered by a 11.1v lithium polymer battery that is stored in the pistol grip. Internally the Vector AEG features the famous KRYTAC rotary hop up as well as select version 2 compression components. Pricing and availability for the KRYTAC KRISS Vector AEG will be available later this year...."