How to Turn a Long Landing Page Into a Microsite - In 5 Easy Steps - Unbounce | The MarTech Digest |
Some of the benefits of a microsite include:

1. It allows more pages to be indexed by Google
2. You can craft a controlled experience on each page (vs. a section where people can move up and down to other sections)
3. You can add a lot more content to a certain page, without making your landing page a giant.
4. You can get more advanced with your analytics research as there are many different click-pathways within a microsite that aren’t possible to track or design for on a single page.
5. The technique I’m going to show you takes an Unbounce landing page, turns it into a 5-page microsite.

First, Choose a Landing Page to Work With. The five-step process is then as follows:
1. Create the microsite pages, by duplicate your landing page 5 times
2. Delete the page sections you don’t want on each microsite page
3. Create a Sticky Bar and add five navigation buttons
4. Set the URL targeting of the Sticky Bar to appear on the microsite pages
5. Add the Unbounce global script to your site
6. Click “Publish” << hardly a step.