Watch for Signpost up ahead - Crains | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert | The MarTech Digest |


Enter Signpost, a 75-employee company that pivoted two years ago from a daily-deal type of business model. It now helps small businesses create and run marketing campaigns, offer deals and "get found" on 1,200 sites, mobile apps and directories from AOL to Yahoo to Yelp and everything in between. Revenue is growing 20% a month, the company says.


Signpost has 10,000 clients like Mr. Borg, who said his business has increased 10% by using the company. He also knows, thanks to Signpost's analytics, what it takes to get to that 10% or more. Of more than 1 million people who viewed one campaign, 100 purchased a discounted offer for a blow-dry.


Business owners pay $150 a month to subscribe—a revenue model that is a lot more predictable than daily-deal commissions—and get a team of writers to help manage their profile, a database of customers and interactions, and the ability to flip a switch and turn on a marketing campaign to go after new consumers or repeat business from existing customers.



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