The Four Pillars of Marketing Automation Consulting - Marketo | The MarTech Digest |

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1. Marketing Strategy
What stage of marketing automation — if any — have you reached to date? Is your marketing team logistically ready to take a bigger leap into marketing automation? Are they emotionally ready?


2. Cross-Functional Alignment
The next step is to actively align marketing and sales so that both teams are working toward a unified goal. Cross-functional alignment (CFA) exercises create synergy so that both teams can get on board with marketing automation drivers.


3. Measurement and Reporting
A consulting team should assess your key reporting metrics with the objective of better measuring future success. Ultimately, this aspect of strategic consulting is the one that builds your business case — a tangible deliverable you can show your leadership team, which includes a competitive analysis and full return on investment analysis.


4. Systems and Technology
Evaluate your technology stack to understand the impact it’s currently having on your marketing automation strategy.



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