Guest Blogging is Dead? Not So Fast… | Kapost Content Marketeer | #TheMarketingTechAlert | The MarTech Digest |

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Matt Cutts put it simply: Google is not psyched about guest blogging. The MLK-day announcement sent the online community into a wild frenzy with more than 280 comments on Cutts’ blog, commentary from web thought leaders like copyblogger and searchenginejournal, and an eruption of clatter on Twitter. The pithy main point: “…stick a fork in it: guest blogging is done.”


But for those who treat guest posting with fairness, authenticity, and genuine interest in educating and connecting with readers: guest posting isn’t dead — in fact, Cutts’ announcement may make it more alive than ever. 


The Main Takeaways for Guest Blogging

-- >  Be Authentic: Develop guest blogs that are authentic and meaningful to your audience

-- >  Speak to Your Audiences: Know who your target markets are, and who you are talking to. Continue to produce content that is specific to their interests, needs, delights. 

-- >  Maintain Your Brand Credibility: When considering any SEO strategy default to authenticity. Cute tactics for better page ranks are short-sighted and almost always caught by Google. A true SEO strategy is developed around original, good, honest web presence. 

-- >  Keep Guest Blogging!: Now more than ever is a good time to develop guest blogs. Cutts’s announcement will avert any content spinmeisters, allowing the good stuff to really come through. 



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