Google Announces Fundamental Change in the PPC Ad Rank Formula | Marketing Blogged  | #TheMarketingAutomationAlert | The MarTech Digest |

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The Ad Rank of any PPC ad is calculated by Google. Until now, this was calculated using the quality score and maximum bid/cost-per-click. Now, a third factor will be considered: ad extensions and formats. The exact weighting these have on the ad rank is unknown, but it is thought the change will encourage brands to include additional extensions and formats where possible. These ad extensions and formats include call extensions, location extensions, review extensions and perhaps, most importantly, Sitelink extensions.


Google will not only consider which extensions & formats are being utilised, but will also look at their performance and click-through-rates to estimate their expected impact. Extensions, which are set up, highly relevant, and appear to be working well will positively contribute to the overall Ad Rank.  Moreover, this could now impact whether the extensions & formats are actually displayed with the PPC ad altogether.



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