4 Time Saving Content Curation Tools - Business 2 Community | :: The 4th Era :: | Scoop.it

by Michael Statford


"Content curation services, which had been one of the choice tools of marketing experts for some time now, are finally entering the mainstream.


"Some research done by the guys over at LikeHack showed that this service is now often used not by marketing consultants but by ordinary people. This is due to information overload and the rising need for content filtering.


"For this reason, content curation is evolving from not being only a professional tool but a tool that saves web surfers time as personal service.


"The demise of Google Reader is only going to accelerate the use of these tools as people switch to these emerging technologies to filter their content to save them time and increase content relevance."


Read more at http://www.business2community.com/content-marketing/4-time-saving-content-curation-tools-0502612#RFrehlAEcA6r01DT.99