AI will create many new jobs — here’s how you can prepare | :: The 4th Era :: |
Taking a positive approach by focusing on upgrading workers’ skills is more productive than warning against AI’s incursion into the labor landscape. Instead of trying to guard against a human vs. machine battle, what we need is greater human-machine collaboration. As The Wall Street Journal observed, “Automating parts of a job will often increase the productivity and quality of workers by complementing their skills with machines and computers, as well as by enabling them to focus on those aspects of the job that most need their attention.”

The AI-driven workplace evolution will not edge out humans altogether. A McKinsey Global Institute report suggested, “Humans will still be needed in the workforce [as] … the total productivity gains we estimate will only come about if people work alongside machines. That in turn will fundamentally alter the workplace, requiring a new degree of cooperation between workers and technology.”

Via John Evans