How to Install Etcher on Raspberry Pi OS (SD Card Creation) | tecno4 |

Balena Etcher is still my favorite tool to create new SD cards for Raspberry Pi. It works wonders on Windows, macOS, and Linux. They claim it works on all platforms, so I tried on Raspberry Pi OS. In this article, I will share my experiencece and the solutions I have found.

Balena Etcher is available on all operating systems, but only for x64 architectures. So, there is no way to install it on a Raspberry Pi. Hopefully, other alternatives like Raspberry Pi Imager can be used to do the same thing.

Don’t worry, you can absolutely create a bootable SD card without a regular desktop or laptop – using only a Raspberry Pi 4. I will show you how to do this in this article, but first, let’s see why Etcher doesn’t work.