Arduino project: putting together several demos  | tecno4 |

The four programs are:

  1. Button 1 turns on and off the LEDs.
  2. Count up clock on the 4 digit 7 segment display.
  3. Fade the RGB LED.
  4. Display the ambient light level on the 4 digit 7 segment display.

To exit out of any of the programs, simply tap Button 2 and you will be taken back to the input.

Working on this project taught me several things including:

  • Shift registers and how they work
  • Bounce issues with inputs and how to fix that
  • What the different pins on an Arduino Uno are capable of
  • Static variables
  • Volatile variables
  • Libraries
  • And a few other things that I’m forgetting!

If you would like to look at my wild spaghetti code or the Fritzing files, it’s all available on a GitHub repository.