Windows Central : "How 5G and Progressive Web Apps may fix Microsoft's app gap | Ce monde à inventer ! |
Jason Ward 30/12/17 : "Microsoft's ambitions for Windows 10, cellular PCs and its potential folding mobile device have an undeniable Achilles Heel - the app gap. But there may be a solution on the horizon [...]. As 5G networks, Progressive Web Apps (PWA) and processors like Qualcomm's Snapdragon 845 begin to take root, some challenges of the current app model (which are problematic for all platforms) will be solved... This shift toward platform-agnostic PWAs may help Microsoft escape the app gap-imposing confines of the current app model. It will be the progressive implementation of 5G networks and modern processors, the maturation of PWAs and multi-generational waves of cellular PCs and folding-mobile devices that may help Microsoft overcome the app gap. Let's break it down...