Ce monde à inventer !
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Ce monde à inventer !
"Technos et humain" depuis Chambéry
Curated by Serge Meunier
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Scooped by Serge Meunier

HuffingtonPost : "Four ways to stay positive even when you're down

HuffingtonPost : "Four ways to stay positive even when you're down | Ce monde à inventer ! | Scoop.it

Alicia T.Glenn 23/08/15 : "There was a point in my life when I felt good about everything except for work. Outside of work hours I had a good sense of self, positivity, and confidence. On the contrary, at the office I was not confident and would spend time complaining with other coworkers [...]. I decided that something needed to change...


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Scooped by Serge Meunier

Renata Salecl : "Why not think social | Our unhealthy obsession with choice

We face an endless string of choices, which leads us to feel anxiety, guilt and pangs of inadequacy that we are perhaps making the wrong ones. But philosopher Renata Salecl asks: Could individual choices be distracting us from something bigger—our power as social thinkers ? A bold call for us to stop taking personal choice so seriously and focus on the choices we're making collectively…


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Scooped by Serge Meunier

Journal du Net : "Talents, développer et exploiter vos points forts

Journal du Net : "Talents, développer et exploiter vos points forts | Ce monde à inventer ! | Scoop.it

Laurence Darnault : "La plupart des individus sont plus conscients de leurs faiblesses que de leurs forces : nous passons ainsi notre vie à tenter de les surmonter. Pourtant, une attitude constructive consisterait à axer notre développement et à bâtir notre existence – tant personnelle que professionnelle - sur nos forces…

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Scooped by Serge Meunier

Craving, desire, addiction : "Buddhist & Christian traditions together

> Day 1 | "The problem of craving and addiction

> Day 2 | "Cognitive and Buddhist theory
> Day 3 | "Biological and cultural views
> Day 4 | "Contemplative erspectives
> Day 5 | "Into the world


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Scooped by Serge Meunier

Optimise : "Le Mind Mapping, un réel outil pour être acteur de sa vie et de ses choix

Optimise : "Le Mind Mapping, un réel outil pour être acteur de sa vie et de ses choix | Ce monde à inventer ! | Scoop.it

Fabienne De Broeck : "Le Mind Mapping, un réel outil pour être acteur de sa vie et de ses choix, ce sont les mots de Véronique de Viron, une des trois personnalités de l’équipe de l’Atelier de Création Graphique au lendemain de la formation sur le mind mapping. Il faut dire que régulièrement, des participants m’envoient ce genre de retour, assez pour me questionner sur ce qui provoque un tel sentiment…



Facebook Optimind : http://on.fb.me/HpgI6e


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Scooped by Serge Meunier

Mind&Life : "Mapping the Mind

Mind&Life Institute | Building a Scientific understanding : "What do we mean by mapping the mind ? This summer, we went behind the scenes at MLI's annual Summer Research Institute to find out…



> Mind&Life HomePage : http://bit.ly/14EofYx

> Mind&Life Facebook : http://on.fb.me/1c5vytr

> Mind&Life blog : http://bit.ly/1c5vfPe


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Scooped by Serge Meunier

Russell Foster : "Why do we sleep

Russell Foster is a circadian neuroscientist : He studies the sleep cycles of the brain. And he asks: What do we know about sleep? Not a lot, it turns out, for something we do with one-third of our lives. In this talk, Foster shares three popular theories about why we sleep, busts some myths about how much sleep we need at different ages -- and hints at some bold new uses of sleep as a predictor of mental health…


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Scooped by Serge Meunier

Dr. Thalma Lobel : "Sensation, the new science of physical intelligence

Everything that we feel through our senses affect us not in the most obvious way but in ways that we could not have imagined. And once we know it we can be less manipulated by these physical experiences and maybe come to more judgments that are based on the real issue rather than on things which are actually irrelevant in a way…



Dr. Thalma Lobel | Tel Aviv University : http://bit.ly/1mcCeJA

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Scooped by Serge Meunier

Andrew Solomon : "How the worst moments in our lives make us who we are

Writer Andrew Solomon has spent his career telling stories of the hardships of others. Now he turns inward, bringing us into a childhood of struggle, while also spinning tales of the courageous people he's met in the years since. In a moving, heartfelt and at times downright funny talk, Solomon gives a powerful call to action to forge meaning from our biggest struggles…

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Scooped by Serge Meunier

TEDxParis | Gaîté Lyrique : "Matthieu Ricard, plaidoyer pour l'altruisme

Moine bouddhiste, interprète du Dalaï Lama, auteur, traducteur et photographe,  Matthieu Ricard est fondateur de l'association Karuna-Shechen qui développe plus de 130 projets éducatifs, médicaux et sociaux pour les populations déshéritées de la région himalayenne. Après un voyage en Inde en 1967 où il rencontre de grands maîtres spirituels tibétains, il termine son doctorat en génétique cellulaire en 1972 et part s'installer définitivement dans la région de l'Himalaya. Riche de sa double culture spirituelle et scientifique […] il est membre de l'Institut Mind and Life où il contribue à l'étude des bienfaits de la méditation sur le cerveau…

> Karuna-Shechen : http://bit.ly/18ZBeqo
> Mind and Life : http://bit.ly/14EofYx


Nouvelle Trace's curator insight, January 20, 2014 3:44 PM

15 mn édifiante de bon sens et d'optimisme!

Scooped by Serge Meunier

Paradigme santé, intelligence de vie : "La puissance de l'esprit pour guérir

Une médecine plus que "gestionnaire". Dialogue entre les professionnels de santé et le patient, dialogue intérieur du patient lui-même. Conscience, lien, information ; connaître les atouts de notre thérapeute intérieur, nos ressources et compétences ; être guidé pour ce qui est des espoirs que cela engendre ainsi qu'à propos des possibles écueils du chemin…


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Scooped by Serge Meunier

Kelly McGonigal : "Science & compassion | How to make stress your friend

Stress : it makes your heart pound, your breathing quicken and your forehead sweat. But while stress has been made into a public health enemy, new research suggests that stress may only be bad for you if you believe that to be the case. Psychologist Kelly McGonigal urges us to see stress as a positive, and introduces us to an unsung mechanism for stress reduction : reaching out to others. Kelly McGonigal translates academic research into practical strategies for health, happiness and personal success…



> Stanford/Center for Compassion &altruism : http://stanford.io/1a8EeOQ

> Kelly McGonigal HomePage : http://bit.ly/1akVp3r


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Scooped by Serge Meunier

Bernard Stiegler : "La société consumériste nous fait perdre le sentiment d'exister

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