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"Technos et humain" depuis Chambéry
Curated by Serge Meunier
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Scooped by Serge Meunier

Santé Log : "Bio-impression de tissus vivants en quelques secondes seulement

Santé Log : "Bio-impression de tissus vivants en quelques secondes seulement | Ce monde à inventer ! | Scoop.it

Santé Log 25/11/19 : "Ce n’est que le début », annoncent ces scientifiques de l’EPFL. Leur plateforme pourrait permettre la fabrication d’une large palette de modèles de tissus, de dispositifs médicaux et d’implants personnalisés. L’équipe a mis au point une méthode optique ultra-rapide qui permet de sculpter des formes complexes dans des hydrogels dotés de cellules souches, puis de les vasculariser...


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Santé Log : "Brûlures /Grandes plaies | Une bio-imprimante de peau au chevet du patient

Santé Log : "Brûlures /Grandes plaies | Une bio-imprimante de peau au chevet du patient | Ce monde à inventer ! | Scoop.it

Santé Log 12/04/19 : "C’est presque trop beau pour le croire mais cette équipe du Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center […] vient d’imaginer et de concevoir une bio-imprimante de peau mobile, positionnable «in situ», au chevet du patient et qui, à partir de ses propres cellules (autologues) de peau va pouvoir imprimer de la peau, couche par couche, pour initier le processus de cicatrisation -ou plus précisément d’épidermisation. Une technique, révolutionnaire en médecine régénérative...


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Kurzweil : "U. of Oxford | A breakthrough new method for 3D-printing living tissues

Kurzweil : "U. of Oxford | A breakthrough new method for 3D-printing living tissues | Ce monde à inventer ! | Scoop.it
Kurzweil 25/08/17 : "Scientists at the University of Oxford have developed a radical new method of 3D-printing laboratory-grown cells that can form complex living tissues and cartilage to potentially support, repair, or augment diseased and damaged areas of the body. Printing high-resolution living tissues is currently difficult because the cells often move within printed structures and can collapse on themselves. So the team devised a new way to produce tissues in protective nanoliter droplets wrapped in a lipid (oil-compatible) coating that is assembled, layer-by-layer, into living cellular structures...

Oxford / News & Events : http://bit.ly/2wazWb

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l'Atelier | Innovation : "Un ovaire imprimé en 3D pourrait pallier l’infertilité

l'Atelier | Innovation : "Un ovaire imprimé en 3D pourrait pallier l’infertilité | Ce monde à inventer ! | Scoop.it

Théo Roux 22/05/17 : "L’impression 3D semble être la baguette magique des temps modernes. Elle nous fait rêver de Mars, de réparation et semble investir des domaines de l’activité humaine. On le sait, l’impression 3D a bien avancé dans la reconstitution artificielle d’organes humains, notamment pour combattre les maladies. Un pas de plus vient certainement d’être franchi...

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Via Kurzweil : "A 3D bioprinter that prints fully functional human skin

Kurzweil 24/01/17 : "A prototype 3D bioprinter that can create totally functional human skin has been developed by scientists from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) and BioDan Group in Spain. The skin has been used to treat burns as well as traumatic and surgical wounds in a large number of patients in Spain, according to the scientists. The system provides two processes...

> Kurzweil 24/01/17 : http://bit.ly/2k9aRHz
> UC3M / Madrid : http://bit.ly/2jO8GIH
> BioDan Group : http://bit.ly/2kjRvlB

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Kurzweil : "Carnegie Mellon, Biomedical Engineering | How to 3-D print a heart

Kurzweil : "Carnegie Mellon, Biomedical Engineering | How to 3-D print a heart | Ce monde à inventer ! | Scoop.it

Kurzweil 23/10/15 : "Carnegie Mellon scientists are creating cutting-edge technology that could one day solve the shortage of heart transplants, which are currently needed to repair damaged organs... “We’ve been able to take MRI images of coronary arteries and 3-D images of embryonic hearts and 3-D bioprint them with unprecedented resolution and quality out of very soft materials like collagens, alginates and fibrins,” said Adam Feinberg, an associate professor of Materials Science and Engineering and Biomedical Engineering...


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Kurzweil : "Bio-printing transplantable tissues and organs, a step closer

Kurzweil : "Bio-printing transplantable tissues and organs, a step closer | Ce monde à inventer ! | Scoop.it

Scientists from the Universities of Sydney, Harvard, Stanford, and MIT have bio-printed artificial vascular networks mimicking the body’s circulatory system. These networks are necessary for growing large complex transplantable tissues and organs for people affected by major diseases and trauma injuries…


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Rescooped by Serge Meunier from Tracking the Future

Wired : "Biological design | Craig Venter wants to covert DNA into a digital signal

Wired : "Biological design | Craig Venter wants to covert DNA into a digital signal | Ce monde à inventer ! | Scoop.it



Roger Highfield : "J Craig Venter has been a molecular-biology pioneer for two decades. After developing expressed sequence tags in the 90s, he led the private effort to map the human genome, publishing the results in 2001.


In 2010 the J Craig Venter Institute manufactured the entire genome of a bacterium, creating the first synthetic organism. Now Venter, author of "Life at the Speed of Light : From the Double Helix to the Dawn of Digital Life", explains the coming era of discovery […]. Creating life at the speed of light is part of a new industrial revolution. Manufacturing will shift from centralised factories to a distributed, domestic manufacturing future…



Biology is the new software : http://bit.ly/1czDQcQ

Via Szabolcs Kósa
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The Guardian : "Craig Venter | This isn't a fantasy look at the future. We are doing it

The Guardian : "Craig Venter | This isn't a fantasy look at the future. We are doing it | Ce monde à inventer ! | Scoop.it

Zoë Corbyn 20/13 : "The pioneering American scientist, who created the world's first synthetic life, is building a gadget that could teletransport medicine and vaccines into our homes or to colonists in space…



> The Guardian 05/10 "Synthetic Life" : http://bit.ly/1akjIsg

> Synthetic Genomics Incorporated : http://bit.ly/1akjwZZ

> J Craig Venter Institute : http://bit.ly/1bQTB2Y


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Kurzweil : "A hierarchical approach to 3D tissue engineering with blood-vessel tissue

Kurzweil : "A hierarchical approach to 3D tissue engineering with blood-vessel tissue | Ce monde à inventer ! | Scoop.it

Researchers at the Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology in Singapore have developed a simple method of organizing cells and their microenvironments in hydrogel fibers. The method provides a template for assembling complex structures, such as liver and fat tissues…



Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology : http://bit.ly/17pvyoT


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Kickstarter : "Synthetic Biology, how to create a glowing plant natural lighting ?..

Create glowing plants using synthetic biology and Genome Compiler's software - the first step in creating sustainable natural lighting…

> Kurzweil : http://bit.ly/11N7i9M
> DNA design/Genome Compiler : http://bit.ly/15PIdAq
> DNA printing/Cambrian Genomics : http://bit.ly/11N9AFS


gawlab's curator insight, April 27, 2013 4:27 PM

dreaming of all the trees in my street glowing at night...

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Adit Canada : "Une imprimante 3D pour fabriquer de la peau de synthèse

Adit Canada : "Une imprimante 3D pour fabriquer de la peau de synthèse | Ce monde à inventer ! | Scoop.it
Le domaine de l'ingénierie des tissus biologiques a connu un pas en avant décisif avec l'invention à l'Université de Toronto d'un procédé pouvant créer pour un coût modique et en peu de temps un remplacement fonctionnel pour la peau. Le dispositif, ne nécessitant qu'une unique étape, serait le premier au monde à pouvoir créer du tissu vivant rapidement et à grande échelle, ce qui est important dans le cas de la régénération de la peau endommagée par des brûlures ou d'autres blessures étendues…

> University of Toronto : http://bit.ly/VZk5ST
> UT/Skin-printing machine : http://bit.ly/11KTfpn
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Kurzweil : "Organovo partners with Autodesk research to develop 3D bioprinting software

Kurzweil : "Organovo partners with Autodesk research to develop 3D bioprinting software | Ce monde à inventer ! | Scoop.it
Organovo Holdings, Inc., a creator and manufacturer of functional, 3D human tissues for medical research and therapeutic applications, is working together with researchers at Autodesk, Inc., the leader in cloud-based design and engineering software, to create the first 3D design software for bioprinting. The software, which will be used to control Organovo’sNovoGen MMX bioprinter, will represent a major step forward in usability and functionality for designing three-dimensional human tissues, and has the potential to open up bioprinting to a broader group of users, Oraganovo says…

> Organovo : http://bit.ly/WMf0w1
> Autodesk : http://autode.sk/ZSCwhZ
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Santé Log : "Greffe cutanée | De la peau vivante imprimée en 3D prévascularisée

Santé Log : "Greffe cutanée | De la peau vivante imprimée en 3D prévascularisée | Ce monde à inventer ! | Scoop.it

Santé Log 03/11/19 : "C’est une étape considérable qui vient d’être franchie dans la greffe de peau, par ces chercheurs de l’Institut polytechnique Rensselaer (Troy, New York) : celle de l’impression en 3D de peau vivante "prééquipée" de ses vaisseaux sanguins. Cette avancée, documentée dans la revue Tissue Engineering, va permettre d’optimiser la cicatrisation des brûlures ou de larges plaies chroniques comme les escarres par exemple...


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3dNatives : "Poieitis démarre la commercialisation de ses […] bio-imprimantes 3D

3dNatives : "Poieitis démarre la commercialisation de ses […] bio-imprimantes 3D | Ce monde à inventer ! | Scoop.it

Mélanie Renard | 3dNatives - 31/10/18 : "Le spécialiste français de la bio-impression Poietis vient d’annoncer la commercialisation de ses bio-imprimantes 3D Next Generation Bioprinting (NGB) afin d’accélérer le développement et la production de tissus biologiques humains. Après avoir levé plusieurs millions d’euros, l’entreprise confirme son positionnement sur le marché et espère ainsi couvrir l’ensemble des besoins du secteur, de l’ingénierie tissulaire à la recherche pharmaceutique en passant par la médecine régénérative...


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Regards Sur Le Numérique : "Quand la bio-impression 3D révolutionnera la médecine...

Regards Sur Le Numérique : "Quand la bio-impression 3D révolutionnera la médecine... | Ce monde à inventer ! | Scoop.it
Regards Sur Le Numérique 06/06/17 : "La nouvelle machine lancée par une start-up dédiée à la bio-impression 3D ne révolutionne pas encore la recherche médicale, mais, comme le conclut le magazine IEEE Spectrum, il n’a peut-être jamais été aussi facile de fabriquer artificiellement de la chair et des os…

IEEE Spectrum : http://bit.ly/2szdO87

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l'Atelier : "L’impression 3D se sert de bactéries pour produire de précieux matériaux

l'Atelier : "L’impression 3D se sert de bactéries pour produire de précieux matériaux | Ce monde à inventer ! | Scoop.it
Laura Frémy 26/03/17 : "Des chercheurs néerlandais ont recomposé le graphène, matériau du XXIe siècle, grâce à l’impression 3D de bactéries. Une première promesse pour combler de futurs manques en ressources et matière premières...
Serge Meunier's insight:
Une technique innovante, une matière première surprenante....
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Kurzweil : "Tsinghua University, Drexel University | 3-D printed ‘building blocks’ of life

Kurzweil : "Tsinghua University, Drexel University | 3-D printed ‘building blocks’ of life | Ce monde à inventer ! | Scoop.it

Kurzweil : "Chinese and U.S. scientists have developed a 3-D printing method capable of producing embryoid bodies — highly uniform “blocks” of embryonic stem cells. These cells, which are capable of generating all cell types in the body, could be used to build tissue structures and potentially even micro-organs...


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L'Atelier | Accelerating Business : "L’impression 3D peut désormais créer la vie

L'Atelier | Accelerating Business : "L’impression 3D peut désormais créer la vie | Ce monde à inventer ! | Scoop.it

Guillaume Renouard 20/10/15 : "L’impression 3D figure sans doute parmi les inventions les plus spectaculaires et prometteuses de ces dernières années. Impression de figurines, de voitures et de maisons, mais aussi d’aliments, de prothèses et même de pièces pour fusées, les applications semblent aussi nombreuses que l’imagination le permet. Il est même aujourd’hui possible d’imprimer… de la chair humaine. En mai dernier, lors de l’évènement TechCrunch disrupt New-York, la start-up BioBots présentait ainsi au public son imprimante capable de créer des tissus humains vivants...


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Kurzweil : "Bioprinting | A new micro-robotic technique for 3D-printing tissues

Kurzweil : "Bioprinting | A new micro-robotic technique for 3D-printing tissues | Ce monde à inventer ! | Scoop.it

A new magnetic micro-robotic technique for assembling components of the complex materials used in tissue engineering* and 3D printing of cell materials has been developed by Researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH) and Carnegie Mellon University…


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Kurzweil : "NC University | 3D-printing biocompatible medical implants

Kurzweil : "NC University | 3D-printing biocompatible medical implants | Ce monde à inventer ! | Scoop.it


A common vitamin has made it possible to 3D-print non-toxic medical implants, researchers from North Carolina State University, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Laser Zentrum Hannover have discovered.


This opens the door to a much wider range of biocompatible implant materials, which can be used to develop customized implant designs using 3-D printing technology, says Dr. Roger Narayan, senior author of a paper describing the work and a professor in the joint biomedical engineering department at NC State and UNC-Chapel Hill…



NC States News : http://bit.ly/18q92XR


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Andras Forgacs : "Modern Meadow | Leather and meat without killing animals

By 2050, it will take 100 billion land animals to provide the world's population with meat, dairy, eggs and leather goods. Maintaining this herd will take a huge, potentially unsustainable toll on the planet. What if there were a different way ? In this eye-opening talk, tissue engineering advocate Andras Forgacs argues that biofabricating meat and leather is a civilized way to move past killing animals for hamburgers and handbags. Andras Forgacs produces animal products -meat and leather- without the animal…



> Modern Meadow : http://bit.ly/1eYcFxh

> Organovo : http://bit.ly/WMf0w1


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Ellen Jorgensen : "Genspace - Diy biotechnology | Biohacking, you can do it too

Ellen Jorgensen is at the leading edge of the do-it-yourself biotechnology movement, which brings scientific exploration and understanding to the masses. After many years of working as a molecular biologist in the biotechnology industry, Ellen Jorgensen needed a change. So, in 2009, bolstered by her belief in public science literacy, education, and outreach, together with TED Fellow Oliver Medvedik, she founded Genspace, the world’s first government-compliant DIY biotech lab…



> Video "DNA barcoding in Alaska" : http://bit.ly/14XAO2W

> Genspace HomePage : http://bit.ly/165fC4y


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Kurzweil : "Oxford | 3D-printing synthetic tissues

Kurzweil : "Oxford | 3D-printing synthetic tissues | Ce monde à inventer ! | Scoop.it

A custom-built programmable 3D printer can create materials with some the properties of living tissues, Oxford University scientists have demonstrated. The new type of material consists of tens of thousands of picoliter connected water droplets encapsulated within lipid films, which can perform some of the functions of the cells inside our bodies. These printed "droplet networks" might be interfaced with tissues, used as tissue engineering substrates, or developed as mimics of living tissue…

> Pr Hagan Bayley/University of Oxford : http://bit.ly/13HiBoO
> Bayley Group : http://bit.ly/YDO982


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Kurzweil : "3D-printing process using human embryonic stem cells for drug testing

Kurzweil : "3D-printing process using human embryonic stem cells for drug testing | Ce monde à inventer ! | Scoop.it


A new 3D printing process using human stem cells could pave the way to custom replacement organs for patients, eliminating the need for organ donation and immune suppression, and solving the problem of transplant rejection. The process -developed at Edinburgh-based Heriot-Watt University, in partnership with Roslin Cellab-, could also speed up and improve the process of reliable, animal-free drug testing by growing three-dimensional human tissues and structures for pharmaceuticals to be tested on…

> Heriot-Watt University : http://bit.ly/VIkWau
> Roslin Cellab : http://bit.ly/12ycl15


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