Wired : "The Internet of vegetables, how cyborg plants can monitor our world | Ce monde à inventer ! | Scoop.it

Klint Finley : "[…] That’s right : We’re on our way to the Internet of plants. That’s the message from Andrea Vitaletti, the head of a blue-sky research group working on this very thing at a lab in Italy. The project is called PLEASED : for PLants Employed As SEnsing Devices. Though the project is still in the early stages, Vitaletti believes plants could serve as ideal sensors, monitoring so many aspects of our environment. Plants are cheap and resilient, he argues, and they could potentially monitor many different things simultaneously…



> PLants Employed As SEnsing Devices : http://bit.ly/1frPjh4

> Other, the interspecies : http://sco.lt/9LGigL