Ce monde à inventer !
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Ce monde à inventer !
"Technos et humain" depuis Chambéry
Curated by Serge Meunier
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Rescooped by Serge Meunier from Tracking the Future

Discover Artificial general intelligence & Co : "Between Ape and Artilect

Discover Artificial general intelligence & Co : "Between Ape and Artilect | Ce monde à inventer ! | Scoop.it

During 2010-12, noted AI researcher and long-time Humanity+ Board member Ben Goertzel conducted a series of textual interviews with researchers in various areas of cutting-edge science — artificial general intelligence, nanotechnology, life extension, neurotechnology, collective intelligence, mind uploading, body modification, neuro-spiritual transformation, and more. These interviews were published online in H+ Magazine, and are here gathered together in a single volume…

Via Szabolcs Kósa
luiy's curator insight, March 8, 2014 2:34 PM

- Itamar Arel: AGI via Deep Learning 

- Pei Wang: What Do You Mean by “AI”? 
- Joscha Bach: Understanding the Mind
- Hugo DeGaris: Will There be Cyborgs?
- DeGaris Interviews Goertzel: Seeking the Sputnik of AGI 
- Linas Vepstas: AGI, Open Source and Our Economic Future 
- Joel Pitt: The Benefits of Open Source for AGI
- Randal Koene: Substrate-Independent Minds
- João Pedro de Magalhães: Ending Aging 
- Aubrey De Grey: Aging and AGI
- David Brin: Sousveillance
- J. Storrs Hall: Intelligent Nano Factories and Fogs
- Mohamad Tarifi: AGI and the Emerging Peer-to-Peer Economy 
- Michael Anissimov: The Risks of Artificial Superintelligence 
- Muehlhauser & Goertzel: Rationality, Risk, and the Future of AGI 
- Paul Werbos: Will Humanity Survive?
- Wendell Wallach: Machine Morality
- Francis Heylighen: The Emerging Global Brain 
- Steve Omohundro: The Wisdom of the Global Brain and the Future of AGI 
- Alexandra Elbakyan: Beyond the Borg 
- Giulio Prisco: Technological Transcendence 
- Zhou Changle: Zen and the Art of Intelligent Robotics 
- Hugo DeGaris: Is God an Alien Mathematician? 
- Lincoln Cannon: The Most Transhumanist Religion?
- Natasha Vita-More: Upgrading Humanity 
- Jeffery Martin & Mikey Siegel: Engineering Enlightenment 

aanve's curator insight, March 8, 2014 10:03 PM



Mlik Sahib's curator insight, March 8, 2014 10:40 PM

- Itamar Arel: AGI via Deep Learning 

- Pei Wang: What Do You Mean by “AI”? 
- Joscha Bach: Understanding the Mind
- Hugo DeGaris: Will There be Cyborgs?
- DeGaris Interviews Goertzel: Seeking the Sputnik of AGI 
- Linas Vepstas: AGI, Open Source and Our Economic Future 
- Joel Pitt: The Benefits of Open Source for AGI
- Randal Koene: Substrate-Independent Minds
- João Pedro de Magalhães: Ending Aging 
- Aubrey De Grey: Aging and AGI
- David Brin: Sousveillance
- J. Storrs Hall: Intelligent Nano Factories and Fogs
- Mohamad Tarifi: AGI and the Emerging Peer-to-Peer Economy 
- Michael Anissimov: The Risks of Artificial Superintelligence 
- Muehlhauser & Goertzel: Rationality, Risk, and the Future of AGI 
- Paul Werbos: Will Humanity Survive?
- Wendell Wallach: Machine Morality
- Francis Heylighen: The Emerging Global Brain 
- Steve Omohundro: The Wisdom of the Global Brain and the Future of AGI 
- Alexandra Elbakyan: Beyond the Borg 
- Giulio Prisco: Technological Transcendence 
- Zhou Changle: Zen and the Art of Intelligent Robotics 
- Hugo DeGaris: Is God an Alien Mathematician? 
- Lincoln Cannon: The Most Transhumanist Religion?
- Natasha Vita-More: Upgrading Humanity 
- Jeffery Martin & Mikey Siegel: Engineering Enlightenment 

Scooped by Serge Meunier

Big Think : "Endless Innovation | Artificial Intelligence, from Turing Test to Tokyo Test

Big Think : "Endless Innovation | Artificial Intelligence, from Turing Test to Tokyo Test | Ce monde à inventer ! | Scoop.it

Dominic Basulto : "Within the field of artificial intelligence, a new Japanese initiative promises to further blur the line between human and machine. A group of AI researchers at Japan’s National Institute of Informatics just set a new goal : create an artificial intelligence program capable of passing the nation’s most difficult college entrance exams –including the entrance exam at the University of Tokyo. If an AI program can trick college admissions officers into thinking that it’s a human – it would mark one of the greatest accomplishments yet for artificial intelligence…



> National Institute of Informatics : http://bit.ly/142Topy

> IEEE Spectrum/Tokyo Test : http://bit.ly/19Qy9qb


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Scooped by Serge Meunier

Via Big Think : "Elementary, Watson, the rise of the machine

Eric Siegel, an expert in machine learning and natural language processing, says he never thought he would in his lifetime experience a machine acting in a way that he would subjectively consider to be intelligent. IBM's Watson, however, changed all of that. Watson is a computer system that is able to rapidly understand and analyze natural language…



> Eric Siegel/Big Think : http://bit.ly/1gXy35P

> Big Think 17/11/13 : http://bit.ly/1gXxQje


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Scooped by Serge Meunier

Humanoïdes : "Saurez-vous distinguer l’homme du robot ?..

Humanoïdes : "Saurez-vous distinguer l’homme du robot ?.. | Ce monde à inventer ! | Scoop.it
La troisième édition du tournoi 2K BotPrize a eu lieu cette année à Copenhague. Au cours du tournoi, des équipes du monde entier ont présenté leur travail de recherche sur l’intelligence artificielle. Le jury a récompensé le programme de deux espagnols. Tout part du test de Turing. Inventé par Alan Turing en 1950. De l'intelligence à la conscience artificielle…

> BotPrize : http://bit.ly/12v2gQ2
> Wiki/Conscience artificielle : http://bit.ly/V2EZTu
> Raul Arrabales et Jorge Muñoz, autour de Nao : http://bit.ly/12v2tCR
> Planning and learning Research Group/Madrid III : http://bit.ly/V2FpsQ
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