What One Entrepreneur Taught Me about Inspiration and Appreciation | Startups and Entrepreneurship | Scoop.it

I met up with an old friend for coffee last Saturday. Going in, I knew I would enjoy catching up with somebody I had not seen for a decade, but I did not expect I would walk away with two lessons in entrepreneurship.

The first is to never take anything for granted. If you have opposable thumbs, are in good health, and you’re living in the age where anything is just a click away, then be grateful and use your abundant resources to innovate and help others.

The second is that we must actively seek inspiration in every turn. As the CEO of a company, my job is to inspire and motivate my team. But, what most people don’t realize is that even inspirational people (aka: the cheerleaders) need to seek inspiration themselves. I lost track of that lesson when I got caught up with the hustle and bustle of growing my company.

It took just one guy to remind me of this, and I’m honored to share his story with you. My hope is that it inspires and motivates you in the same way it did me.

read on at http://www.forbes.com/sites/jerryjao/2013/12/30/what-one-entrepreneur-taught-me-about-inspiration-and-appreciation/