Little Things Highly Successful People do Differently to Get Ahead of Everyone Else | Startups and Entrepreneurship |

Achieving more in life doesn't have to involve monumental effort. Think about it this way: If you got out of bed five minutes earlier every day, in a month you would have 150 extra minutes to get things done. That's more than 30 hours of additional time over the course of a year. Here are some more ideas on simple daily habits which can help you get ahead of everyone else.

1. Train yourself to become comfortable with the uncomfortable.


2. Add to good karma by paying it forward. 


3. Encourage feedback and always assume positive intent.


4. Follow up.


5. Wake up early.


6. Continuously challenge assumptions.


7. Enjoy, measure and maximize every minute of your life. 


8. Carry a notebook into every meeting. 


9. Be respectful of people's time and inboxes.

10.  Get out of bed immediately after waking.


11. Be prepared.


12. Plan ahead and leave time to unwind.


13. Invest in yourself.


14. Run.


15. Do something new.


16. Learn something.


17. Make a list every day.


18. Nurture your network.


19. Limit screen time at work and home.


20. Take good notes.


21. Have a disciplined meeting schedule, stay in touch and adapt to people.


22. Tackle the biggest challenges first.


23. Always backup your data.


24. Be open to diverse feedback.


25. Pay attention to your creative peaks.


26. Discipline your mind and body to be a more effective leader.

27. Communicate.


28. Prepare yourself mentally and give your brain periodic breaks.


29. Draw inspiration from your passions and apply it to your professional life.


30. Hire to a skill set rather than a job description.