How to stay calm and collected during tough conversations | Startups and Entrepreneurship |

Difficult conversations tend to be the most stressful of all workplace aggravations.

These are the types of talks that require you to deliver bad news or negative feedback, make a demand such as asking for a raise or more responsibility, apologize for a mistake, or otherwise have a conversation that you dread.


Difficult conversations intensify our emotionality because our minds perceive them as a threat. To the primal parts of our emotional brain, the worry of being disliked or losing standing is akin to being ousted from the group and causes real pain.


You don’t need to let anxiety and frustration overtake your negotiation and rationale skills.


Here’s how to keep the flood of emotions at bay during difficult conversations so you can show up as your best self.

Strategize your approach

Make high-level, headline-like markers that can guide you if you lose your train of thought.  Determine what you want to get out of the conversation. Your goal should be realistic and achievable. Planning to “win” is a losing battle.

Rally your resilience

Positive visualization can be effective.

Approach the conversation as a collaboration

Diffuse the emotional charge by listening first. Ask open-ended

Try a mantra

Studies show that repeating a single word or phrase silently to yourself can quiet your mind.

Beware of emotional contagion

To avoid taking on your counterpart’s feelings during a difficult conversation, imagine yourself surrounded by a clear bubble that shields you from their reactions.


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