Startups Should Use G+, Here's Why | Startup Revolution |

GPlus Is For Startups
GPlus is a much misunderstood social network. That misunderstanding may stem from the fact it is not a social net. GPlus is really a tool suite with a social net sitting on top of it. There are several reasons G+ is great for startups including:

* Not As Crowded as other Social Nets.

* Better for long form content.

* Great for conversations.
* Hangouts on Air = create YouTube Videos automatically.

* There's a learning curve.

That last bullet is why we love G+. Since there is a bit of a learning curve, many aspects of the tool are not intuitive, the uncommitted are turned away. What is left is a group of power users ready, willing and able to contribute meaningful content, inspiration and awareness for your startup.

Try creating a committed tribe of power users on Facebook (hint: you can't). Share pictures of your new baby on Facebook, use GPlus to build your business.