5 Ways To Design A Social Website For E-commerce Stories5 Ways To Design A Social Website For E-commerce Stories  | Social Marketing Revolution | Scoop.it

5 Storytelling Web Design Tips
Earlier today we shared a Scoop and Curagmai post about how to tell simple e-commerce stories (http://www.curagami.com/simple-ecommerce-stories-how-to/ ). The about page is the easiest and most expected place to tell an important e-com story, but here are 5 tips to design your website for stories: 


* Comments - Ask for and use COMMENTS

* Conversations - Turn COMMENTS into conversations by writing blog posts about them, sharing your collaboration on social nets and throughout your marketing

* Gamify - Design for gamification (badges, user profiles, Wikis and Q&A knowledge base)

* ASK - Create an ASK where you ask visitors to join your movement with an Ambassador page (explaining how to join and what is in it for your visitors to join) 

* THEM Not YOU - Make sure your web design has AT LEAST as much about THEM (your customers) as you.

Follow those 5 simple web design steps to create community.