Social Media Marketing Good, Bad, Ugly [INFOGRAPHIC] | Social Marketing Revolution |

Marty Note
The Bad and Ugly shared convincingly in this infographic speaks more to OUR (i.e. business) continued ignorance that problems inherent in WHAT IS HAPPENING. Business is social, get used to it.

But there's a problem.

The problem, as is true in any transition time, is the OLD ain't fully dead yet. At some point, possibly soon, those "social media deniers" in the C suite are going to be dead (one way or the other lol).

Don't have to look far for convincing evidence. Look around in any public space and you will see people with head down keying the secret social STUFF of our lives. One would think the ubiquity of smart phones would convince the C suite to wake up.

Not so much apparently.

The C Suite isn't connecting the dots:

Smart Phone = social media. Social Media = traffic. Traffic = Money.

Read Ian McCarthy on why the Selfie Gets Bigger to understand why social media laggards will pay a high price to catch back up:

Meantime enjoy this inforgraphic that says more about US than SMM.