How to use content curation to add value to your own website | Social Media Content Curation |
If you are responsible for adding high-value content to your website, you are constantly being challenged to find page or post topics which are new, shareable, helpful and original.
As Google’s recent Panda update taught us, quick and easy content is not going to get our pages listed on page one of the search results. Besides which, quick and easy content does little to impress, engage or retain our readers.

So, given that you are now going to focus on high-value content, are there ways and methods you can use to deepen your expertise as a real-time expert?

I believe there are. My favorite method for keeping myself on the cutting edge, regardless of the content topic, is to become a content curator.

Being a curator means seeking out the best of the best, wherever it is being published, and then collecting it in one place.