What is Content Curation? | Social Media and its influence | Scoop.it
I selected this piece by Dino Joannides for Lingospot because it tackles a much asked and frequently tackled answered of "What is Curation?" in the most appropriate manner possible. That is to say, he answers the question with an excellent example of curation, complete with multiple links to articles that prove his points.


Some points that caught my attention:


**Content curation means different things to a variety of stakeholders, be they journalists, editors, bloggers, business executives or marketers.


**Fred Wilson the Venture Capitalist and blogger sees curation as an essential element in today's media landscape as indicated by one of his posts here


**Some argue that curation could actually save media.


**Others have argued that there is a new type of curation that is in effect the New Search.


**Most people inadvertently already act as curators whenever they decide to post a link or video to their social networks to show their friends they have found great or topical content.


He closes by suggesting traditional editors make decisions based only upon content that was produced internally, whereas the newer Curation mixes this with external content. The determination of what is given prominence remains the same.


The difference is that now, this role is undertaken by professional journalists, content marketers, bloggers" or in reality, anyone that publishes online".


What do you think?


Curated by Jan Gordon covering "Content Curation, Social Business and Beyond"


Read full article: [http://bit.ly/w81bwP]

Via janlgordon