My Web Site Has Been Hacked - Now What? | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet |

With recent industry reports indicating the alarming fact that ===> more than 70% of all web sites have critical security flaws, <=== you will most likely find yourself on the wrong end of a web application security breach at some point.


It may have happened already; it may happen in the near future; or you may have hackers visiting your site every few weeks to gather up information.


While the following list is by no means exhaustive, here are a few suggestions to begin with:


- Turn on your system logs.


- Encrypt all sensitive data as widely and as securely as possible.


- Perform a vulnerability scan on all public web sites.


- Install virus and malware prevention throughout your organization.


- Educate your staff. The weakest security link is often your staff.


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Finally …


Basic web security isn’t rocket science. It just takes time and attention – perhaps the two things most businesses have the least of. But, like the healthy lifestyle drill, you don’t want to be on the wrong side of misfortune just because you were too busy.