Beginners IT-Security Guide | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet |

In 21st Century we need not ONLY talking about IT-Security, but we need to secure our computers and ANY other related device connecting to Internet, such as also our smartphones!


I will present you now a tutorial on How-To create best protection (as on March 2012) for your computer and this with mostly FREE tools and FREE Online Services… Also will I provide you a worksheet which helps you planning your weekly tasks!

Weekly Tasks? YES, you need to work a bit, but don’t worry, most tasks are automated and don’t need a lot of intervention! But they are necessary! It’s ONLY the first time when you have to install some programs and to read this tutorial that you will need to invest time!

===> But investing once time for saving time later and avoiding trouble is definitely worth to do <===


Read more, a practical guide...