The ‘spying billboards’ that track you as you walk by | #Privacy #DigitalCitiZENship #eSkills  | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet |
Anybody who walks or drives past new tracking billboards with a mobile phone in their pocket can be spied on without their knowledge or consent: a potential invasion of privacy that US Senator Charles E. Schumer wants the US Federal Trace Commission (FTC) to investigate.

Schumer, a Democrat from New York, delivered a briefing in Times Square on Sunday, electronic billboards blinking and scrolling behind him.

From his remarks:

A person’s cell phone should not become a James Bond-like personal tracking device for a corporation to gather information about consumers without their consent.

No one wants to be followed or tracked throughout their day, electronically or otherwise.
These new “spying” billboards raise serious questions about privacy, Schumer said. They should be investigated by the feds, and the companies behind them should be required to offer an opt-out option for consumers who feel that they violate their privacy.


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