Ransomware and the Internet of Things | #Awareness #CyberSecurity #IoT #IoE #InfoSec  | ICT Security-Sécurité PC et Internet | Scoop.it
We all know that ransomware has become a huge problem, hitting businesses and consumers alike as it encrypts valuable data and attempting to extort sometimes large sums of money for safe recovery.
But at least we can console ourselves with one thought: the threat has been confined to encrypting data on computers and web servers, or locking users out of their systems until a ransom has been paid.
But the rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) means that the nature of what we consider to be a computer is constantly widening, and these other devices could be target for ransomware in the future warns a report from the Institute for Critical Infrastructure Technology (ICIT).
The report, rather alarmingly entitled “Combatting the ransomware blitzkreig”, discusses various families of crypto-ransomware and underlines the importance of computer users to be prepared for such attacks with a layered defense.


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